2 Exits, Different Results
My GUI figure has two buttons to close it. The first works fine, but the second tells me "Function 'ExitButton_Callback' is not defined for values of class 'struct'." The two functions in the .m file are identical except for the function names, and those function names correspond correctly with the buttons' respectiv... 18 Feb 2010 16:13
Button Up/Down Function
I use this to get button-down, button-up events working: function pushbutton1_ButtonDownFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA) disp('down')... 18 Feb 2010 15:06
How do you align a bunch of time series objects?
Let's say you have TS1 and TS2, two time series objects. They have different length and different dates, how do I align them (i.e. make the data fall on same dates...)? We could take the intersection of the dates ... Thanks a lot! ... 18 Feb 2010 18:28
replace values in a cell with nan
Dear Matt! for iC = 1:numel(C) aC = C{iC}; aC(aC >= 0.5) = NaN; C{iC} = aC; end for ii = 1:numel(C) C{ii}(C{ii}(:)>.5) = nan; end Which one is faster on your machine? I assume the aC method creates a deep copy, while C{ii){C{ii}(:))>.5) is not just a damn tri... 18 Feb 2010 18:28
Rate Limiter issue with 2007b
I am running a simulation where one of the signals has a step input. To make it realistic in terms of the physical world, I have added a Rate Limiter as the input step goes from 1 to 0. Running the simulation in 2007b in Normal mode, there are no issues with the output. In Accelerator mode, the Rate Limiter does not mi... 18 Feb 2010 15:06
Help with removing points from a matrix of points
I am working with points from the bwtraceboundary function I used on a binary image. I want to remove some points from this data because we don't want to see this data when plotted back on the image. The values are the least position vertically (b) and the furthest position horizontally (a) which both create a straight... 18 Feb 2010 15:06
BIG PROBLEM! Input of APPLYCFORM is not finite
Hi everyone, this is so urgent because I'm rushing for a deadline and I can't seem to solve it! :( Here's the background: Initially, I have an image X in Lab type which can be converted successfully from Lab to srgb using: srgb_image = applycform(X, makecform('lab2srgb')); However, I realised that the pixels in ... 19 Feb 2010 10:57
Concatenate problem
for k = 1:length(lines) nm = [lines(k).point1; lines(k).point2]; end In my above code, my output is nm = 3 5 4 9 nm = 44 2 8 32 However, I actually want to get my code to output nm = 3 5 44 2 ... 18 Feb 2010 15:06
UITree Usage
I've got a few questions using the undocumented uitree in Matlab. I've tried the following simple code in R2009a: window = figure('Units', 'normalized', 'Name', 'Test'); tree_root = uitreenode('root', 'Root', [], false); tree = uitree('v0','Root',tree_root); set(tree, 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0 0 1.0 ... 26 Feb 2010 10:45
Video and Image Processing Blockset Demo
Can anyone explain how to convert the Panorama demo to handle a sequence of images instead (two will do actually). That is, instead of taking sequential frames of a video, I'd rather use two images. Thanks. ... 22 Feb 2010 10:43