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csquantile error Hi, I am getting the following error when I am using csquantile function: Error using ==> interp1 at 128 LENGTH(X) and SIZE(Y,1) must be the same. Error in ==> csquantiles at 33 qhat=interp1(phat,xs,p); I have the following data: Tm1(:,:,1) = 0.9775 1.2526 Tm1(:,:,2) ... 3 Mar 2010 11:47
Hardcopy error when printing Hi, Can anyone help troubleshoot this error. Warning: Problems in UIW_SetUpGLPrinting In C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2009b\toolbox\matlab\graphics\hardcopy.p>hardcopy at 21 In graphics\private\render at 143 In print at 277 In my_code at 352 line 352 of my_code print(gcf, '-djpeg', filename) the... 23 Mar 2010 08:57
derivative block in Simscape Hello, Somebody knows how I can introduce a derivative block to Simscape? There is PS integral block but I need something like that but as derivative. Somebody know how I can write a code for that block? Regards, Kamil ... 9 Mar 2010 11:10
mbuild -setup doesn't see my compiler I would like to use a different compiler than what is listed when I type : mbuild -setup I'm using an Eclipse Platform and MinGW GCC compiler. How do I get this to show up on the list? thanks, Mike ... 3 Mar 2010 10:39
Optimization. Gauss-Hermite quadrature. Quasi-Newton method. Hi! I have a problem with estimating parametres b and r. I have integral approximation with Gauss-Hermite quadrature using abscissas (in code xx) and weights (ww). And now I must optimize the log-likelihood function using quasi-Newton method. Here, I wrote what my function (lt) looks like. dt=load('dt.txt'); % Num... 3 Mar 2010 09:31
performance values change with trials I am training my data set using gdm algorithm but everytime i try to evaluate the performance of my network using different learning rates, i get different performance values with the same value of learning rate in different trials.Why is it so? How to resolve the same? ... 3 Mar 2010 09:31
Problem passing a structure with calllib I have the following header structures: typedef struct tagSTR1 { float fA; float fB; } STR1, *PSTR1; typedef struct tagSTR2 { int a; int b; int c; int d[25]; } STR2, *PSTR2; typedef struct tagSTR3 { int A; int B; float C; int D; ... 4 Mar 2010 16:55
speed up matlab plotting on GUI Hi i have a gui with 2 axes handles i have a matrix that is 1024 * 45 elements i want one of the graphs to display an imagesc of the matrix and the other a surf plot i currently use the following axes(handles.axes1); imagesc(matrix); axes(handles.axes2); surf(matrix); According to the profiler thi... 3 Mar 2010 08:25
Color differentiation in plot Hi, I plot a variable number of lines in a graph. I want every line to be plotted in a different color with as much differentiation in colors as possible. For now i use: cm=colormap; This gives me a predefined set of colors. When plotting, i give every line a different color from this set, with as much distan... 3 Mar 2010 07:20
Trim, how does it works? Hi, I'm new to this forum and I hope to find some answers to my problems. First of all I'm a begginer in MatLab/Simulink and all I've learned has been learned by myself, no teacher, so probably I lack in some easy fundamentals. By now I'm developing a very simple model, based on first principles to study the dynami... 3 Mar 2010 07:20 |