Problems with the fplot command
I am having trouble getting the correct graph to come up. I am not getting any error files but all i get is a line y=x instead of the function i would like. Does anyone see what I'm doing wrong? Here is the script I'm using to plot the function. u=0.6 W=50 F=(u*W)/(u*cos(t) + sin(t)) fplot('F' [-10 10] 'b') ... 3 Mar 2010 18:39
Undefined function or variable 'parcorr'.
Hi, I'm trying to use the parcorr function, but all I get is: ??? Undefined function or method 'parcorr' for input arguments of type 'double'. Could someone help me to understand what does that mean? I know it worked some months ago, the m-file is there, if I type 'par' for autocompletion 'parcorr' is in the l... 4 Mar 2010 14:38
fastest way of matching a number in an array
What is the fastest way to search for a value in an array to see if there is a match? For example..... I am looking for any 5's and want to see if there is a quick way to check if there is a 5 in a large array -- i.e. a=zeros(100,100); a(23,64)=5; I am sure I can use for loops.. but just wanted to see if there is ... 8 Mar 2010 19:48
Integral method
Hi, I'm fairly new to Matlab. Does it have a function where I can find the area between two curves that cross, without my having to find the point of intersection myself? I know about trapz, which uses the trapezoidal rule to evaluate integrals. The problem is that it counts the area as positive if the curve is abov... 3 Mar 2010 19:46
Problem to simultaneously play wav and draw real time plottingusing matlab DAQ
Yong wrote: But the visual signals and acoustic signals can not be provided in synchronized manner. Can anybody help me please? This is a difficult problem in Matlab. The best attempt that I know of for it is at ... 3 Mar 2010 15:15
Multi channel info for .wav file
I am working on a project where I want to take a music file and remove only the voice part from the file. I know the trick is to subtract the left and the right channels since the voice is supposed to be uniformly distributed on the two channels. But is there a way to do this if the .wav file that I load into matlab ha... 3 Mar 2010 14:08
I have the solution manual available for Principles of Microeconomics 5th edition by Mankiw The solution manual is 100% accurate, please e-mail me at studentlimited10(a) for pricing details and it will be sent to you immediately. ... 3 Mar 2010 14:08
Simulink: Running two different frequency clocks.
Hello, I am using Simulink to model a spacecraft time synchronization system. I am trying to simulate a system with two independent clocks. One clock, the ground system clock, will have a peridod of 1/(10^6). The other clock, the spacecraft clock, will have a period of 1.0001/(10^6). I am trying to model drift in the ... 3 Mar 2010 15:15
Error: The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment.
Hi, i wrote an M file. It works, but has some problems. To work them out I tried with an easier version of the problem so that I can understand where things start going wrong. The new program is identical to the first but for the parameters and other minor stuff. But now I get an assignment error for this part (re... 3 Mar 2010 12:59
external 3D control animation
Hi people I'm working in an animation controlled by an external signal, for now I made a simulation of this in this way: - I created a 3D image in vrbuild (tollbox to do 3D images) - I create a code to conect matlab with this archive and controla it from matlab my code display a menu with classic 1,2,3,4 opti... 3 Mar 2010 21:59