Real Time Workshop - Loading Multiple Parameters from Workspace
I have a question regarding Real-Time Workshop. I have a Simulink model that is executed with an m-file using the 'sim' command. The m-file also contains 400+ parameter values for the Simulink model. I want to be able to compile the model into C by using RTW, but am looking for an easy way to import those parameter val... 15 Mar 2010 11:11
Playfair cipher help
Write a matlab function ciphertext=project7(plaintext, k) that encrypts the plaintext using the Playfair cipher with k as the keyword. The alphabet is the 26 capital letters omitting Q to create the 5x5 matrix ex run: plain='HIDETHEGOLDINTHETREESTUMP'; key='PLAYFAIREXAMPLE'; project7(plain,key... 4 Mar 2010 13:29
quiver3 function - Line width question
Hello, I used the quiver3 predefined function to draw arrows on specific points and it works quiver3 (x , y , z , u , v , w , 0.8, '-k' ,'filled') However, I am not able to change the linewidth of the arrows and the head of the arrows. Does anybody know how to do it? Thanks JD ... 4 Mar 2010 14:38
Error message
I was trying to load data from a folder different to where my operating m-file is but I keep getting the following error when I use cd to the folder. Error using ==> cd Too many input arguments. What could be the reason for this? ... 4 Mar 2010 10:03
i am a final year engineering student. i am doing final year project in how to hide text in text... help me with supporting code. ... 4 Mar 2010 10:03
non-closed-form integral involved optimization or systemequations
> Hello, My function to be maximized or to be solved (as an equation) involves a non-closed-form integral. The point is that the variables of my function are also contained in this non-closed-form integral. I tried Matlab build-in functions fminsearch or fsolve, but it seems that neither works wel... 4 Mar 2010 10:03
Polynomial is badly conditioned
Guys trying to create a polynomial formula but I go above order 5 i get this error msg "Warning: Polynomial is badly conditioned. Add points with distinct X values, reduce the degree of the polynomial, or try centering and scaling as described in HELP POLYFIT." I've looked at help, but there is n... 7 Mar 2010 23:57
Hi, I am using lsqcurvefit to solve an optimization problem. I specify upper and lower bounds for the solutuion, how ever, watching ont the parameters evolution, I have noticed that my fourth parameter goes out of the bounds, it is suppose to be smaller that 0.5 and the algorithm is testing in 30!. Problem is that th... 11 Mar 2010 07:48
decimate() vs downsample()
Hello people I stumbled upon some strange behaviour of the decimate()-Function. If I want to decimate a constant signal, I can assume that the decimated result reaches the same level? Than why is this not happening? Where didn't I get it? x=[[0:1000] 1000*ones(1,100)]; y1=decimate(x,2); y2=downsample(x,2); ... 4 Mar 2010 10:03
nlarx model by using sigmoid function
Hi, I used sigmoidnet function to obtain a nlarx model. But, I'm not sure how to obtain the final modl equation. The what i get in matlab command window is shown below. If anybody knows to get the final equation of the nlarx model please let me know. IDNLARX model with 1 output and 6 inputs Input names: u1, u2... 4 Mar 2010 07:50