rotation of a camera
Hello All how can i rotate the camera left and right ups and down ? i have already a camera that has a motor i just need an example code or an explanation of how to rotate the camera ? can anyone help me with that or at least refer a site to me thank you ... 6 Mar 2010 14:04
iris dataset and chi square test
i am a new user. i am trying to calculate chi square test for iris dataset with matlab. how can i do? Thank you. ... 5 Mar 2010 13:56
pdepe in 2d
Hi, is there anyway to solve a set of pdes using pdepe (which is built to solve problems in 1d) in 2d. I understand of course, the discretisation is such that it might be difficult to reduce it to a 2d problem. In that case you need a box ratrher than a line to discetise and thereby results might be wron. If pdepe is n... 8 Mar 2010 03:10
Ax=b using spmd: problem
Hi all, I'm trying to solve a linear system Ax = b using the spmd tool (included in the parallel toolbox). I've found a small script on the internet which works fine where A is a 100x100 random matrix: matlabpool(4) spmd A = rand ( 100, 100, codistributor ( ) ); b = sum ( A, 2 ); x = A \ b; end matlabpoo... 5 Mar 2010 13:55
wavelet denoising using ddencmp funtion
Hi, I am trying to understand how does the ddencmp function in the wavelet toolbox work. The explanation given in the documentation says that "The threshold value is set to median(abs(c)) or to 0.05*max(abs(c)) if median(abs(c)) = 0". But this is n the condition that "Let c denote the detail coefficients at level 1 o... 16 Mar 2010 11:21
Changing the width between values along x-axis
Hi I have two simple graphs each of which have values along x-axis ranging from 0 to 100 I have put a space of 20 between these values i.e. 0 20 40 60...100 for each graph but the width is different for both graphs i.e. the space between 0 and 20 is more in one graph than the other. How can I change this width? ... 5 Mar 2010 10:31
fileparts() ?
Hi, I know this is a very elementary question, but I am trying to use fileparts() in a function to find if an xls spreadsheet exists before pasting a figure into it. From my understanding, you should ender fileparts(fileSpec) where fileSpec is the name of the file you are looking for. When I do this though, I either... 5 Mar 2010 12:48
continue m-file after using impoint
I am using impoint to digitise a number of points in an image. I want to digitise an unknown number of points, then continue with the rest of the m-file fater this has been done. I would like to the user to be able to push a button or keyboard to continue. My current method uses a while loop, but I cannot figure out... 12 Mar 2010 12:46
fitting with the custom model without using CurveFittingToolbox
Dear All, I am trying to define a custom fit model and fit to the data. Here is the piece of my code: ====================================== s = fitoptions('Method','NonlinearLeastSquares',... 'Lower',[0.9,0.9],... 'Upper',[1.1,1.1], ... 'Startpoint',[1 1]); f = ... 5 Mar 2010 10:31
load matlab file (or create if does not exist)
I want to run the same programme, saving data to a .mat file without overwriting previous runs. Is there an easy way to check if a previous run created the savedatafile.mat, if not create it, if it does then load it to append the already existing data? thanks ... 5 Mar 2010 07:13