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Inegrating systems with changing spring rate I am trying to integrate a system using ode45 in which the spring rate changes with system deflection. Is there a way to use ode45 for this? I would need to check the preious iteration and see if the deflection (x) has reached a certain point. If it has, then a new spring stiffness is used. Is there a way to check ... 7 Mar 2010 11:48
Copy a formatted sheet in Excel > How do I specify the argument "After" that says after which sheet I have to copy? there is here probably some special syntax that I am missing. Any help will be very appreciated! Best regards Claudio First off, I have found this thread very helpful, thank you! I also wanted to try to copy a sheet... 10 Mar 2010 13:04
Find knee in the eigen value plot in PCA I would llike to know the heurisitic which is used to find the value of the knee point during image compression in the eigen value plot. It will be of great help. Thanks and Regards Div ... 7 Mar 2010 12:56
How to contact Olivier Tremblay Hi, I would need to know how to contact Olivier Tremblay thorugh email regarding his power_FCV_powertrain.mdl in the demo library. Does anybody have his email address? Regards, Nadim ... 7 Mar 2010 23:57
Finding the mean in a matrix: how to go from a 1km to a 5kmresolution Hi everybody, I'm struggling to convert a matrix which represents 1km resolution data to 5km resolution. What I want to do is convert every 5x5 block to one value, by taking the mean-value of these 25 cells. Is there an easy way I can do this? (tried it with mean function, e.g. value=mean(1:5,1:5), but couldn't m... 7 Mar 2010 10:41
how to show the value of each bar in a historgram how to show the value of each bar of a histogram? thanks! ... 7 Mar 2010 10:41
error message in MATLAB need a solution to visual c++ runtime error message while starting MATLAB application error mesage: 'application requests the runtime to terminate in an unusual way' MATLAB version:7 OS : XP SP2 ... 7 Mar 2010 09:35
Classification using Neural Network i want to design a neural network to solve the problems of classification; if P = [x y z] % where x,y,z is random in the range from 5 to 11, y is 10-15, z is 20-30 then T = [1 1 1]; elseif P = [a b c]; % where a,b,c is random in the range from 12 to 18, y is 20-25, z is 30-35 then T = [2 2 2]; AND SO ON... 26 Mar 2010 14:19
Need code for Texture Classification using ANN Need Matlab code for Texture Classification using neural network classifier ... 16 Mar 2010 12:31
replacing elements of matrix by its indices Hafsa <qureshi.hafsa(a)> wrote in message <cfc282bd-2f4d-4625-9f18-7da3641ae43d(a)>... what would be the shortest way to replace element at index (i, j) of a 2-D matrix A by abs(i-j)? one of the solutions m=-magic(3); m(1,1)=abs(m(1,1)) % -or- in one shot m=... 7 Mar 2010 08:29 |