can't compile *.f with mex function
Hello, Dear... I am trying to run *.f with matlab. I have chosen compaq 6.6 and visual studio 6.0 with mex command.I didn't see any problem with them.I have integrated my fortran into visual studio by manual setting. I could successfully compile all the c files,(I could see a lot of 'done' results) but I am ... 7 Mar 2010 00:58
License plate recognition using matlab
"shuffel rasta" <try4success(a)> I'm going to start working on a structure recognition program to produce 3d map of cities from photographs. We may be working on similar programing issues. Do you have any references that you could suggest? v/r andy ... 6 Mar 2010 10:44
Linking datatips in two figures
I have two figures that are linked using linkaxes and would like to explore points in both figures using datatips. How would I go about linking datatips so that as I inspect a point in one figure, the value of the corresponding point in the other would also be displayed? ... 10 Mar 2010 18:41
Problem with whitespace
Hi All, I have to form a string inside a iteration and after the iteration ends I have to replace a particular string in a file with the one just formed. Now the problem is when I am concatenating the string it is not allowing me to concat a white space at the end which needs to be added after each iteration. I thin... 6 Mar 2010 11:50
Gui related questions
hello i have a few question related to Gui: 1. when i want to pass information from one Gui to a nother (for the example, to a gui called signal_epoches) , i use the set of commands: siganl_epoches_data=guidata(signal_epoches); names=get(siganl_epoches_data.listbox1,'String'); this command imediatly open the ne... 6 Mar 2010 08:32
Non Linear Constrained Optimization
Is there any code available for "Mixed Variable (Mixed Integer) Non Linear Constrained Optimization" as I am dealing with a optimization problem which has both the continuous and discrete variables in design vector?? Moreover, a single objective function is subjected to multiple constraints. Thanks.... Ajay ... 8 Mar 2010 10:47
indoor propagation model
I am working on how to do a simulation in indoor batiment for a propagation model (Cheung) to see the power strenght of a transmitter. I want to use Matlab to: First: Make a plan in 2D of the batiment Second: Simulate the Model and show the power level with differnet colors. If any one have any ideas that's Welco... 6 Mar 2010 06:23
plotting multiple graphs in one function
Hello, does anyone know how can I plot two different graphs in two pictures with one function? plot(i, fmr,'*', i, neusp,'r:x', i, usp, 'y:o'); hold on; xlabel('Pocet vzoriek'); ylabel('Percento uspesnosti/chyby'); title('FMR/FNMR krivka'); legend('fmr','fnmr','usp'); this is first one, first figure. an... 6 Mar 2010 06:23
sortrows problem
I have an array of type double, but when i call 'sortrows' the sorted array is full of zeros... Does anybody know what might be causing this? I am using 'sortrows(A)'... ... 6 Mar 2010 09:38
SimScape - Model Construction functions
Hi everyone, I need to automate a simulation process so I plan to use SimScape along with Matlab, but there is no information available about Function References for Model Construction (like Simulink has). Does anyone know where could I find it? Or if there is at least a quick reference guide? Thanks ... 9 Mar 2010 10:02