xpc target from file
Dear Ryan; I agree with the previous poster: you need to make sure your file is copied into the XPC Target computer's hard drive. I simply use "xpcexplr", connect and then drag and drop my file - althought there are more elegant solutions. Another mistake I made when trying to use this system was that I used " fi... 9 Mar 2010 07:49
Significance test and Confidence bound for Correlation scorein Matlab
On 3/9/2010 12:09 AM, Yudha wrote: Hi, In Matlab when we use corrcoef to do correlation we will also get p-value and the confidence boundary. The help document says : "The p-value is computed by transforming the correlation to create a t statistic having n-2 degrees of freedom, where n is the numbe... 9 Mar 2010 07:49
plot legend in for loop
I would like to append lines in the legend for every plot cycle in the following loop. The plotting takes place inside a function, which gets A=[] as an argument. Here, I am emulating this with a simple for loop. The length(A) is an arbitrary number, most likely to vary. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance, sdv for k... 9 Mar 2010 08:55
Hya If I wrote : plot(x,y); CoeffReg = polyfit(x(:),y(:),1)'; CoeffReg(1); I got the coefficients of my linear regression in the workspace but I can't see the fit in the figure.... How can I see the fit in the figure??? Thanks ... 9 Mar 2010 06:43
A simple question about fprintf
I want to use fprintf to display an output with a string, I have that part working fine but below it still says ans=..... Is there a way to supress this since I'm already getting what I want in the fprintf fprintf(1,'This is the monthly payment $%-7.2f \n',garbage) and I get This is the monthly payment $xxxx.xx... 9 Mar 2010 10:01
hindmarsh rose model with delay (dde)
hi all, I have a problem using dde23 solver to evaluate the delayed HR model: dx/dt = y(t) - a*x(t)^3 + b*x(t)^2 - z(t) + e (x(t-tau) - x(t)) dy/dt = c - d*x(t)^2 - y(t) dz/dt = r [ s*(x(t) - xo) - z(t)] how could I set the history values? it is possible use the dde23 solver or I must use some app... 12 Mar 2010 12:46
Non-Homogeneous Time-Series Daily Parameters (Mean, Median, Max, Min)
I dealing with a time-series like the next: 09/03/2010 9:00 1 09/03/2010 9:05 2 09/03/2010 9:10 2 09/03/2010 9:15 6 09/03/2010 9:20 8 09/03/2010 9:25 0 10/03/2010 11:23 12 10/03/2010 11:24 15 10/03/2010 11:25 85 10/03/2010 11:26 62 10/03/2010 11:27 23 As you can see, the number of data for each date is... 9 Mar 2010 05:37
How to search data in database..
Hi... i wanna know how to search the data in the database.. a = search data in database; if (true) //some work here else //some work here end it will return true if the data is found in database... thanx for ur help... ... 9 Mar 2010 04:32
fingerprint matching
Hi, can some one help/provide me fingerprint matching source code? I totally out of idea how to do it. ... 9 Mar 2010 03:28
impyramid image format
regarding the use of impyramid : does it work for binary images i.e images coded between 0 and 1 ? Or should the image be converted to 0 and 255 scale? Thanks !! ... 10 Mar 2010 00:51