Computing the average color of blogs
Hi everyone, I have successfully segmented a frame from a video into binary blobs that represent the moving object. How can i compute the average color of each of the objects which these blobs represents? Cheers! ... 29 Mar 2010 04:44
color names
Hi, Is there any table in matlab that lists all possible colors? Thanks, Assaf ... 7 Mar 2010 15:09
Add a line w/o changing xlim or ylim
Hi, I created a figure, and would simply like to add the x axis (a horizontal line at y=0) WITHOUT changing the xlim and ylim of the whole figure (ie, I don't want that the dimensions be modified to the x range of my new line). Is there a way to do this?.. Thanks! Assaf ... 7 Mar 2010 15:09
how to get the Personal License Password (PLP)
"James Tursa" <aclassyguy_with_a_k_not_a_c(a)> wrote in message <ha3p47$fer$1(a)>... "weifeng " <824029597(a)> wrote in message <ha3ljl$2td$1(a)>... how can I do to get the Personal License Password (PLP) ? please tell me in detell..... tha... 7 Mar 2010 14:03
weighted average time series
I am sure that what I want to do is simple in MATLAB, but my maths has totally failed me and Help is driving me round in circles. Can anyone help? I have ten time series', all sampled over the same time interval, all trying to measure the same thing. All ten share a similar shape, but all of them show departures fro... 9 Mar 2010 22:38
Want to count number of facets of branches for each blob(A Damaged Portion) in a image
Hi friends, Can any body help me in sorting our the following problem. I'm struck with it and in urgent need of it... Here is the micro-graph I want to analyze.. Each part in it is a grain surrounded by grain boundaries and the black por... 7 Mar 2010 16:15
How to add interactivity in a dynamic model in SIMULINK?
Hello People, I am doing a project which is almost a text book project for engineering students. I am trying to control a DC motor on SIMPOWER. I am using a H-Bridge with PWM for drive a standard DC motor from the Simulink -SimPower library. So far, my motor is running ok and on the scope I can see ideal respons... 23 Mar 2010 22:54
System Response with Filtering
I am using filtering to find the system response of a linear difference equation, y[n+1]-1.01y[n]=x[n+1]. The input will be x[n] = 500u[n]-1500delta[n-4]. Delta is an impulse function. I am not sure how to set up the inline function (4th line from bottom) to handle the delta term, -1500delta[n+1]. Are the coefficients,... 7 Mar 2010 12:56
index must be a positive integer or logical.
Hi I am struggling to figure out the reason for this error message "index must be a positive integer or logical". Now the code works fine for positive and negative values that are input individual but when I use it in a for loop from -360 to 1 it can't handle negative numbers but works for 1 to 360 which is shown belo... 8 Mar 2010 04:14
Digital Signal on plot
How do I draw a digital signal on the plot graph? let says I have 10 points incrementing by 1. How do I make the plot graph draw a line from x-axis = 0-1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 7-8, 8-9, 9-10, etc. The line can be at y-axis = 1, 0, or -1 depend on what I want at those points? Lines also have to be connected as well ... 8 Mar 2010 13:02