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Reading .txt file and calculating GPA A text file named "grades.txt" contains students names and grades in the following format: John Doe A A B B C Jane Doe C D C B A A Jill Doe C D F F Write a matlab script that reads the file, calculates the GPA for each student and save the fist name, last name and GPA to an excel file "gpa.xls" So far all I... 23 Mar 2010 15:56
HUD graphic in vrml Hello, in the Simulink-Demos there is an example how to create a HUD-Text in vrml (with the v-Realm-Builder). What I want to know is, is it possible to create a HUD-Animation? I want to do the animation the same way like I create a vrml scene. Stricty speaking, I want to simulate vehicle dynamics with the tachomete... 27 Mar 2010 14:16
Finding the full path of an opened file In a .m script, I've opened a file with fopen. Since Matlab has various path search options, I'm not sure where the file was actually opened/created. Is there a way to find the absolute path of the file? The file may have been specified with just a simple filename (test.txt), a relative path (..\test.txt), or an a... 23 Mar 2010 18:19
How to plot output of this function? y[n]=(+∞)Σ(k=-∞) { ∂[n-4k]-∂[n-1-4k] } where.... =>∂[n] or ∂(t) is an impulse function, i.e will be one(1) if (t) or [n] equals zero(0), otherwise it'll be zero(0)... Kindly help me with the Mat-lab code... Thanks in advance... Regards.. RK ... 23 Mar 2010 15:56
vectorizing if loop G'day, I have the following matrix... Beta = [52 52 52 52 60 52 40 24 32 44]; yB = zeros(1,length(Beta)).'; for i = 1:length(Beta) if Beta>0 & Beta<10 yB(i)=1; elseif Beta>10 & Beta<63 yB(i)=cos((Beta-10)*pi()/180); elseif Beta>63 yB(i)=0.63; end end For starte... 23 Mar 2010 15:56
How to create a controlled load block in Simulink I'm testing a load following model and trying to fix the issue on active power of a variable load connected to the grids. Hopefully the power of the three phase load can vary in time according to the power data from workspace. I have tried using the controlled current soucre to present a curent loads but there is singu... 23 Mar 2010 14:46
Real Time Workshop build error 1070 Thanks, Jesse. I will try using a different compiler... ... 23 Mar 2010 14:46
Changing negative sign G'day, I have the following dataset... A = [-2 -2 -2 -2 -10 -2 10 26 18 6 ...] What I would like to do is change the negative values to positive values and leave the positive values unchanged. I have the following code... [r] = find(A<0) if A<0 test = -(A(r)); else test = A; end However, ... 23 Mar 2010 14:46
Jordan m file I need to install the m file that will let me calculate the following A = [1 -3 -2; -1 1 -1; 2 4 5] [V, J] = jordan(A) V\A*V Unfortunately I don't have the m file that will calculate the above. I have an older release R12. Thanks ... 23 Mar 2010 13:38
Concurrent Simulink-simulations Hello I wonder if there is any way to run simulations of multiple instances of a Simulink-model concurrently, with outputs from some instances acting as input on others. What I have is a very simplistic Simulink-model of a biological neuron and want to simulate a network of identically instances of this model, witho... 23 Mar 2010 13:38 |