URGETN: matlab 14.4 stuck in initializing state
1) OS: centos linux 4.6 2) license is ok 3) matlab 14.4 stuck in initializing state 4) matlab path: /usr/matlab/14.4/ Once after matlab was exited abnormally, if I re-started matlab GUI, the matlab will be stuck in initializing state and will never get back to normal state. In command window, I can only type comm... 24 Mar 2010 13:29
How to create a matlab gui which includes a moving object
Hi, I want to create a gui with a moving object included. What I actually want is to allow the user to move the object and get its co-ordinates. Please let me know how to do it. Thankx....... ... 24 Mar 2010 13:29
Simulink serial send block (please help)
Hi, Is there a way to send the world "hello" in simulink from a serial send block? I am asking since it can only send binary data, so how can I use simulink to send a word such as 'hello' rather than a number to an external device connected via USB? thanks Edmund ... 24 Mar 2010 18:08
Installation problem
When I try to run installer.exe, I get the following error message: C:\ Users\ ucbpfcn\ Documents\ Matlab\ win32\ bin\ win32\ mwinstall.dll: The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log for more detail See the log file (C:\ Users\ ucbp... 24 Mar 2010 14:40
Exclude selected lines of code from publishing
Dear All, I wrote a small m-file that does some calculations and creates a plot based on the results. When I publish this file I would like to exclude the lines of code in which I create the plot. In the published html-file I just would like to show the parameters, equations and so on that are needed for the result... 24 Mar 2010 13:29
Large Matrix - Replacing NaN with zeros
Does anyone know a fast way to replace elements equal to NaN with zeros for a very large matrix. I have tried X = (~isfinite(X)) = 0, but it take forever. Thanks! ... 24 Mar 2010 13:29
Fit curves to two data sets
I want to fit two functions to two data sets y1 = ax^2 + bx + c = fit for data set 1 y2 = dx^2 + ex + f = fit for data set 2 I know that the curves must intersect at two points given by y1=y2 at [x=A,y1] y1=y2 at [x=B,y2] I would like to calculate the intersection points from the data also but if this is not p... 25 Mar 2010 13:47
DC-blocking filter using MATLAB filter function
Hi, I have some waveforms in MATLAB with a DC offset that I want to filter out. I based this filter off of a first order analog prototype but am getting unexpected results. I assumed that the implicit periodicity of the DFT would cause the offset of the waveform in the code below to be a DC component. Instead... 24 Mar 2010 12:19
Specify image subregion for xcorr2
Hi - I have some code that scans individual bitmaps from an avi file and matches three points on each image using xcorr2. I would like to be able to specify a subregion of the image for template matching based on the location of the previous match in order to speed things up a bit. Does anyone know if this is possible ... 26 Mar 2010 13:09
fixed point .bin not showing any bits
When I try to get the binary representation of a fixed point variable, it returns nothing, but when I assign it to a temp variable and check the bin of that, it is the correct value. I am not sure why the .bin is not reporting correctly... Any advice? Thanks! Here are my settings for the fimath: fiSettings = fim... 24 Mar 2010 12:19