Changing variable name in for loop
I would like to change the name of pre-existing variables in a for loop such as the following: for i =2:6 UM.ET.hh0i = UM.UM0i.L4(:,17); UM.H.hh0i = UM.UM0i.L4(:,15); UM.Rn.hh0i = UM.UM0i.L4(:,5); UM.VPD.hh0i = UM.UM0i.L4(:,9); UM.Temp.hh0i = UM.UM0i.L4(:,11); UM.friction.hh02 = UM.UM0... 24 Mar 2010 18:08
Changing variable name in for loop
I would like to change the name of pre-existing variables in a for loop such as the following: for i =2:6 UM.ET.hh0i = UM.UM0i.L4(:,17); UM.H.hh0i = UM.UM0i.L4(:,15); UM.Rn.hh0i = UM.UM0i.L4(:,5); UM.VPD.hh0i = UM.UM0i.L4(:,9); UM.Temp.hh0i = UM.UM0i.L4(:,11); UM.friction.hh02 = UM.UM0... 24 Mar 2010 19:19
Changing variable name in for loop
I would like to change the name of pre-existing variables in a for loop such as the following: for i =2:6 UM.ET.hh0i = UM.UM0i.L4(:,17); UM.H.hh0i = UM.UM0i.L4(:,15); UM.Rn.hh0i = UM.UM0i.L4(:,5); UM.VPD.hh0i = UM.UM0i.L4(:,9); UM.Temp.hh0i = UM.UM0i.L4(:,11); UM.friction.hh02 = UM.UM0... 24 Mar 2010 18:08
How do i call an m file or mex file from a standalone application
I have a standalone application in form of a GUI that lets users input function files as .m files And i want to be able to evaluate their functions with parameters that they supply in the GUI. Is there a way this can be done? ... 28 Mar 2010 15:40
error: "Reference to a cleared variable handles"
Hello everyone. I'm working on one project and I have this problem: i need to set text for static text object. Lets say its name is text1 and after pushing a button it should say "this is requested text". code: function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) ..... .... .... set(handles.text1,'String'... 24 Mar 2010 18:08
Converting cell array to numeric
Hello, I'm working with large time series data input files (.txt, tab delimited) and so far have used a couple approaches: dataset and textscan. Using dataset('file',dataset_file,'delimiter','\t'); is a bit too slow with larger files. Alternatively I can quickly make a cell array of the dataset using tex... 24 Mar 2010 20:30
Hello all. I have written a full project code in MATLAB. I have simulated it and it is working perfectly. Now, I need to implement the entire algorithm in DSK C6713. what is the best way to do it? I read some posts about using simulink to do it. But I am not sure as to what the best way will be. I would appreciate a... 24 Mar 2010 15:50
Contours to polygons
How can I quickly convert contours to polygons? i.e. How can I quickly extract all polygons (x and y) from C, where [C,g] = contour(Z); ? The structure of C looks complicated -- anyone have something handy? ... 24 Mar 2010 22:45
legend title
"Aurelien Queffurust" <tug83(a)> wrote in message <h17kld$a3v$1(a)>... "James " <jjcoloso6.junk.removethis(a)> wrote in message <h10ia9$bac$1(a)>... Is there a way to create a title or label for a legend? How do I make a caption or title for my figure leg... 24 Mar 2010 14:40
2D interpolation with 3D matrix?
Hi, I want to interpolate Z with these parameters: grid: X: (a×b×c)-size, Y: (a×b×c)-size, data: Z: (a×b×c)-size, where: XI: (1×1×c)-size and YI: (1×1×c)-size matrices. the function: RES = interp2(X,Y,Z,XI,YI); where RES is a (1×1×c)-size vector. How can I do it? ... 24 Mar 2010 18:08