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mvncdf Hi, For the function mvncdf, if used for bivariate normal case; how can I get cdf wrt a limit. For example, Pr = (X<z and Y>z) where z is the limit that I want to put in the mvncdf function. Any idea?? Thanks. ... 29 Mar 2010 15:50
Level 2 Mfile s-function Hi, Is there a way to transfer variables used in simulink function to a level 2 Mfile s-function in simulink model? I am generating a value of a variabel r by using fcn block, how can I associate that variable in a code I have written in Matlab .m file in which I am allocating in the level 2 Mfile s-function. Wh... 25 Mar 2010 01:00
plotting equi-distant points given 4 coords points Having an image of rectangles/squares of the same size, if I use ginput to track the corners of the image (which is made up of the squares/rectangles), and know the size of the square/rectangle (length and width), how can I "find" the intersections of these squares/rectangles? Let me clarify further. I have this image,... 23 Mar 2010 19:28
How to draw a white line along 'x' axis by discerning a white Thanks to all, I followed your advice and I wrote another file, here is it: function b=Vprofil(a) Vpro=sum(a,2); n=size(Vpro); for j=1:1:n for i=1:1:(size(a,1)) if Vpro(j)>=1 b(i,j)=1; else b(i,j)=0; end end end figure, imshow(b); results are satisfactory ex... 27 Mar 2010 02:15
Using Trapz function I have a graph but need to find the area under it. How is it possible to do this with the trapz function? ... 23 Mar 2010 19:28
Bivariate Normal Distribution Hi, I have tried to use the mvncdf function to calculate bivariate normal. The problem I am facing is, how to calculate their covariance matrix? I know variances, diagonal elements. But don't know how to calculate their correlation co-efficients (ro). Can anyone help me please?? Thanks Naseeb ... 23 Mar 2010 21:44
OBTAINING FIR MODEL Hello everybody! I have U, the input to a filter, and Y, te response. I have to extimate the coefficient of the FIR filter the represents the system (only MA, not ARMA or AR). How ca I do? ... 23 Mar 2010 18:19
Reading .txt file and calculating GPA "jeremy meduna" <jeremymeduna(a)> wrote in message <hoba39$jrq$1(a)>... Is what I have here even close to correct?? fh = fopen('grades.txt', 'r'); line = ''; ca = {}; while ischar(line) line = fgetl(fh); [first line] = strtok(line); [last line] = strtok(line)... 23 Mar 2010 18:19
error fmincon/interpn After having read more carefully about using interp2/interpn (ZI=interpn(X,Y,Z,XI,ZI), I saw that I hadn't transformed the X and Y vectors to ndgrid (or meshgrid) matrices. Let's say the new code is: xx=linspace(0,5,5); yy=linspace(0,2,4); [X Y] = ndgrid(xx,yy); Z=zeros(size(X)); beta = linspace(0,4,40); g... 25 Mar 2010 10:15
xlsread_mod Hello! I tried to use the code xlswrite_mod. It works perfectly...and I thank the creator a lot for that. Now, I have another problem. I have a cell array of size 10000x1000, and I woud like to import it on a excel file. I tried to use xlswrite_mod but I got the error message out of memory. Could you suggest any sol... 24 Mar 2010 05:28 |