Reading .txt file and calculating GPA
"jeremy meduna" <jeremymeduna(a)> wrote in message <hob53g$oo2$1(a)>... A text file named "grades.txt" contains students names and grades in the following format: John Doe A A B B C Jane Doe C D C B A A Jill Doe C D F F Write a matlab script that reads the file, calculat... 23 Mar 2010 17:09
homogeneous points
"chee ali" <chase_the_dawn_2000(a)> wrote in message <hhl32n$e1d$1(a)>... hi,i want 2 ask somthing about homography.i want to calculate homography matrix H,the equation is x&#8217;=Hx. x&#8217; is 3xN set of homogeneous points,now i am not getting the point that how to calculate this 3xN se... 23 Mar 2010 17:09
How to draw a white line along 'x' axis by discerning a white pixel in a black background
I have a picture with white circles scattered in picture and my problem consists in discerning every white point and drawing a white line along the vertical axis and passing by this point. Here is the code that I wrote but this does not work for me. I'm little starting in Matlab that's why... function b=Ver(a) [ro... 23 Mar 2010 17:09
How to load data with NA
Hello, I am working with multiple data sets that were generated from R software where the missing values are stored as "NA" instead "NaN" (R doesn't allow to store as "NaN") . Is there a way I can read these data sets into MATLAB and convert them to NaN? when I use "dlmread", it gives an error message (Trouble re... 23 Mar 2010 17:09
MathWorks Webinar: Global Optimization with MATLAB Products- 4/06/10
Register now: "Global Optimization with MATLAB Products"- Free Webinar- 4/06/10 Engineers, scientists, and financial analysts use optimization to find better solutions to their problems. This webinar will present MathWorks global optimization solutions for finding the best solution, or multi... 23 Mar 2010 17:09
newnarxsp multiple inputs
Hi, All. Can anyone share a working example of training NARX network with multiple input vectors? Found some outdated code in support requests, but can't get it working in R2010a. Thanks, Serg ... 20 Apr 2010 15:58
.m file integrated with simulink model
Dear Matlab users, I have a program in Matlab .m format which consists of selecting USB port, open port, read input from user (height), calculate servo angle, send printf(...) output from port to servo controller. This program works correctly. I also have a simulink model which consists of an image processing (ca... 23 Mar 2010 17:09
Reading .txt file and calculating GPA
Got this so far: fh = fopen('grades.txt', 'r'); line = ''; while ischar(line) [first line] = fgetl(fh) scores = sscanf(line, '%f %f %f %f %f'); GPA= scores(1:end)/length(scores) end xlswrite('grades.xls'); fclose(fh); "jeremy meduna" <jeremymeduna(a)> wrote in message <hob53g$oo2$1(a)fred.... 23 Mar 2010 15:56
Reading .txt file and calculating GPA
Got this so far: fh = fopen('grades.txt', 'r'); line = ''; while ischar(line) [first line] = fgetl(fh) scores = sscanf(line, '%f %f %f %f %f'); GPA= scores(1:end)/length(scores) end xlswrite('grades.xls'); fclose(fh); "jeremy meduna" <jeremymeduna(a)> wrote in message <hob53g$oo2$1@f... 23 Mar 2010 15:56
error " Output argument "rate_match_output1" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "C:\Users\USER\Documents\MATLAB\new_work\turbo1.m>turbo1".
my code is function [ Z_TOT,Z_TOT_INTR,rate_match_output,rate_match_output1,F] = turbo1( SEG_BLOCKS ) global c_min global c_max global k_min global k_max global block_size global filler_bits global F1 global F2 persistent rate1 persistent rate2 %% matrix of k from aseel code load turbo_intr %% calculat... 23 Mar 2010 15:56