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spectrum sensing for cognitive radio I am also studying spectrum sensing for cognitive radio. It will be the greatest help if anyone share matlab code for CR. You could send me the code to my email please... iam not getting how to calculate threshold value for a given pf and what it mean practically.please help me in this regard. ... 30 Mar 2010 01:48
spectrum sensing for cognitive radio I am also studying spectrum sensing for cognitive radio. It will be the greatest help if anyone share matlab code for CR. You could send me the code to my email please... iam not getting how to calculate threshold value for a given pf and what it mean practically.please help me in this regard. ... 30 Mar 2010 01:48
Rotating a 3D magnetic field plot I am trying to rotate a plot in a 3D graph. I have applied the transformation matrix (i.e. euler angles) how ever my scales are different. I have an XY plane on the scale of 1mm to -1mm meshgrid. Then I have plugged this into a current dipole magnetic field equation. The magnetic field is on the order of 1e-12. So when... 30 Mar 2010 00:43
to find error in the code.i m not getting the output of (G)---an output of elliptical gabor filter hello. i am doing a project on simply EYE DETECTION based on Ring Gabor Filter. i have a problem in the following code in . in this code i am not getting the output of for G. code: I = imread('k110.jpg'); I = rgb2gray(I); I = imresize(I,[140,140]); % imshow(I); I=padarray(I,[50/2,50/2],'symmetric','both'); fi... 30 Mar 2010 00:43
read write and add noise to bmp files Hi Naeem, You can take a look at this: Best. ... 30 Mar 2010 00:43
Hi all Hi Experts, I am having problem with matlab, which i dont know because i am from mechanical department.Please help me out. Regards Saleem. ... 30 Mar 2010 00:43
FZERO Error plus matrx dimensions I cannot figure out why I keep getting this error: ??? Error using ==> fzero FZERO cannot continue because user supplied function_handle ==> @(Velocity)(0.5*C_D1*p*A_o*(Velocity^2)*((1000^2)/(3600^2)))+F_grav+F_rolling+Force_Car failed with the error below. Error using ==> plus Matrix dimensions must agree. ... 29 Mar 2010 23:36
FZERO Error plus matrx dimensions I cannot figure out why I keep getting this error: ??? Error using ==> fzero FZERO cannot continue because user supplied function_handle ==> @(Velocity)(0.5*C_D1*p*A_o*(Velocity^2)*((1000^2)/(3600^2)))+F_grav+F_rolling+Force_Car failed with the error below. Error using ==> plus Matrix dimensions must agree. ... 30 Mar 2010 14:59
FZERO Error I cannot figure out why I keep getting this error: ??? Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values. here is part of my code: fun=@(t)8*x*(t^2)+Growth+Length+Width x = fzero(fun,1) Where growth, length, and width are the result of other equations in my code. I h... 29 Mar 2010 23:36
Baffling colon behaviour I am puzzled by the following (observed in 2009a 64 bit Linux and 2010a 64 bit Windows): [a, b, c] = deal(1, :, 2); strcmp(b, ':') ans = 1 I can't fit this into any of my mental schema relating to how things should work, or find any documentation that would explain it. I feel I must be missing s... 30 Mar 2010 02:52 |