Using a for loop with ode45, 2nd order ODE
Hi, So I am using the ode solvers for the first time, in this case ode45. I am solving a 2nd order ode and I think I'm making headway with it in simple terms. However, I want to solve it at different 'j' values which correspond to modes, and then sum to find the total effect. So far by using a for loop, I can only g... 29 Mar 2010 16:57
simple image clustering
I would like to apply simple image clustering methods such as K-means or hierarchical clustering. However, the problem is my image size is very large. For example, most of my image size is 1.5 M and the dimensions are around 5000 by 4000 pixels. So, if I handle in pixel levels, it is almost impossible to handle i... 30 Mar 2010 12:45
parfor with sedumi or yalmip
I am having difficulty implementing a Sedumi function using the Yalmip interface inside a parfor loop with the parallel computing toolbox. For instance, I can't even define a Yalmip variable inside a parfor loop. The code works fine with a for loop and the parfor loop cannot understand "sdpvar". I get: "Undefined fu... 30 Mar 2010 10:30
Multiple regression-equation
I have a dependent variable with 5 independent variables. How can perform multiple regression in Matlab and get the equation relating these quantities. ... 1 Apr 2010 22:26
Read data set metadata from HDF4 files?
How do you read data set metadata for a HDF4 file not using the import tool? Thank you in advance. ... 30 Mar 2010 09:24
wind turbine simulation
hi I am trying to make wind turbine model using pmsg but can't initialize the model. I want to know how can I can initialize the power gui. I have seen the demos wind of turbine but still unable to solve my problem. ... 29 Mar 2010 14:43
Accesing a complete row in Stateflow
Hello, I am trying to access total row of a matrix in stateflow. In matlab I know we can say If A=5x5 matrix A(1,:) will give me the total first row. I tried to do the same in stateflow, A[0][0:4] and I am getting errors when I do that 'Syntax error occured for data'. I looked at the help on stateflow, all... 29 Mar 2010 14:43
Modeling data
I have a modeled data set R_mod which is a dependent on 5 other variables. Individual relationship of R_mod with 5 independent variables are polynomial relationships. Now i want to fit measured data R_mea with modeled data R_mod by adjusting 5 independent variables. Please suggest me how can perform this...i have anoth... 29 Mar 2010 13:36
Up/ down-sample
Hi, I've to write a function like this: ____________________ function outsnd = cctsnd(filein1, filein2, fileout) that takes three strings with the names of three sound files: two input and one output file, e.g. outsnd = cctsnd('input1.wav','input2.wav','output.wav'); The two input sound files may have diff... 30 Mar 2010 14:59
Minimum Cluster Distance for RBF?
Mar 29, 2010 09:27:24 AM, jorgejaviergutierrez(a) wrote: Hello Greg, again me. I'm seeing your responses on RBF posts and I have a question about the MINDST(Minimum distance between clusters of different classes). How calculate it? Using dist (Matlab) I have the following example (part of the re... 29 Mar 2010 12:28