programmatic HC clustering suggestion?
Hi all: I keep seeing references made to Hierarchical Clustering (HC) when the number of clusters is not known a priori, and much appreciate the helpful online example presented at: I understand that the height of the links is relative... 29 Mar 2010 12:27
Vector * Matrix
Hi could any one help iv created a formula in excel which iv tried to re-create in Matlab but it is coming out with a different value. CovMatrix = 10x10 Matrix PosVal = 10x1 Vector My forumla in excel is: VP = MMULT(CovMatrix, PosVal) PortVar = MMULT(transpose(PosVal), VP) My forumla in Matlab is: VP ... 29 Mar 2010 12:28
choosing a sphere volume within a 3D matrix
I’m trying to create a sub 3D-matrix within a bigger 3D-Matrix. I have no problem to choose a cubical or parallelepiped volume but I can’t find a way to create a spherical one. I know that a matrix in Matlab has to be cubical or parallelepiped so I’m trying to create a cubical sub-matrix and chose i... 29 Mar 2010 11:20
Mixed variable optimization
can anyone tell me which algorithm will work for my problem??? I am doing optimization (minimization) with 6 INTEGER and 4 REAL design variables. ... 29 Mar 2010 21:24
Fminsearch plot problem with optimset
Hello, I have a problem, I am using an fminsearch function to determine a minimum value of my .m file function. I will post the code but, this will only work if the path is set with Femm. I am trying to plot the values of the FVAL variable in fminsearch function but this is not posible with OPTIMSET option.I am t... 29 Mar 2010 11:20
Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
Hello, I am running an ICA analysis in Matlab and keep getting this error message when I am trying to view the mean of all sessions. The same thing sometimes happens when I try to view individual sessions, but sometimes it will display fine. Please help! Group ICA Error Information: ... 29 Mar 2010 11:20
Is it a bug in matlab2010a?
if you run the commands below in matlab2010a or 2009b, you can't find the ans. But in 2007a, you can get the ans. syms R id ed positive; eq1=R*id-ed; solve(eq1,id) anyone can tell me why? thx. ... 30 Mar 2010 03:57
gui help plzz....
??? Reference to non-existent field 'edit3'. Error in ==> NEWGUI3>pushbutton1_Callback at 188 set(handles.edit3,'string',k); the above is the error i got while designing gui... if a particular condition satisfies, the string 'satisfied ' should be displayed in the editbox.. i wrote coding for this inside... 29 Mar 2010 12:27
Counting number of gold pixels in a picture
Hi, basically i want to count the number of gold pixels in a picture. But since different pictures that i used have different gold colours, i need to be able to somehow select that object and matlab will tell me the RGB of the gold colour. Then i can count the gold pixels. So i want to know if there is any way for m... 13 Apr 2010 11:40
Roc and cross-validation
Hi everyone, I had a problem regarding the output size from my evaluation function the short code is for i = 1:3 test = (indices == i); train = ~test; svmStruct = svmtrain(A(train,,groups(train),'Kernel_Function', Kernel_FunctionValue,'Method', MethodValue); ytest=d(test); [classes,ypred] = svmclassify(svmS... 29 Mar 2010 10:13