Wind Turbine Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (Phasor Type)1 in demo
Dear all, Who can tell me how to set parameters in power_wind_dfig.mdl(Wind Turbine Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (Phasor Type)1) in demo of matlab7.1 in order to all varaibles can be in steady state at all time when no perturbation is added . Yours sincereslly. ... 1 Apr 2010 11:14
Help with Mex and Libsvm
I was hoping I can get some help setting up Libsvm on my Mac book. I downloaded Libsvm from the server and I am trying to "make" the mexglx files which I can call from matlab. To do this I make the following changes in the Makefile: MATLABDIR ?= /Applications/MATLAB_R... 31 Mar 2010 17:42
Help with Mex and Libsvm
I was hoping I can get some help setting up Libsvm on my Mac book. I downloaded Libsvm from the server and I am trying to "make" the mexglx files which I can call from matlab. To do this I make the following changes in the Makefile: MATLABDIR ?= /Applications/MATLAB_R... 31 Mar 2010 04:21
need help for simulating electroabsorption coefficient versus photon energy
Hi everyone! i'm facing a problem regarding the plotting of the graph of change of electroabsorption coefficient versus change in photon energy in matlab 7.1. The required equation is Δalpha(ω,F) = (C/ω){θF 1/2[|d Ai(β)/dβ|2 – β|Ai(β)|2] – 0.3187(&#96... 31 Mar 2010 03:17
Can l use MATLAB program to write on a tag
Good Day ALL, I am a masters degree student working on RFID tag,l just want to know if l can use MABLAB script to write on a tag and how to go about it. Thanks Hilary ... 31 Mar 2010 02:13
Finding Phase from FFT
Okay this was spurred by the "Understanding phase in the FFT" thread If you have an FFT of a sin wave how do you know the phase? You can get your ratio of imaginary to real parts of the FFT conjugate output but how do you know which quadrant the angle is in? Thanks! ... 31 Mar 2010 23:15
how to apply filter to an image
can anybody tell me that, is this code is correct... clear all; close all; clc; I = imread('1.pgm'); %I = imread('k110.jpg'); %I = rgb2gray(I); I = imresize(I,[140,140]); %figure,imshow(I); I=NormalizeFace(I); I=padarray(I,[50/2,50/2],'symmetric','both'); %figure,imshow(uint8(I)); sx=3.7; sy=8.0; %pi=2... 31 Mar 2010 03:17
Need help: Elbow Criterion
Hi, I want to write code for Elbow criterion in Matlab, since i am newbie i dont have any idea to write it, can u help me with that, please? I hope the result of the code have value to determine how many cluster in an image. Thanks Any suggestion will help Adhi ... 31 Mar 2010 01:08
how to apply filter to an image
can anybody tell me that, is this code is correct... clear all; close all; clc; I = imread('1.pgm'); %I = imread('k110.jpg'); %I = rgb2gray(I); I = imresize(I,[140,140]); %figure,imshow(I); I=NormalizeFace(I); I=padarray(I,[50/2,50/2],'symmetric','both'); %figure,imshow(uint8(I)); sx=3.7; sy=8.0; %pi=2... 31 Mar 2010 01:07
Simulation of a linear encoder (measurement) in Simulink
Hi, I would like to simulate a linear encoder (for example a magnetic encoder of 1 micron resolution of Renishaw) in Simulink. I would like to evaluate the impact of its resolution and frequency of measurement on my modelised system. Does anyone would have an idea to 1) define the frequency of measurement... 31 Mar 2010 01:07