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Problem with figure resolution Dear all, I have an image represented by matrxi A with 1000*1000. I use following command: imwrite(A,'mypicture.png','XResolution',1000,'XResolution',1000); However, the image is totally white. Could anybody help? Thanks. Roy ... 31 Mar 2010 06:31
totbl function Hi there, I have an Error in ==> totbl at 15 H.bas = writelbl('y',1:m); do know what does that mean? any thought Please delight us, matlab learner! details of the function. function H = totbl(A,b,p,alpha,xlab,zlab,conslab) % syntax: H = totbl(A,b,p,alpha,xlab,zlab,conslab); % store the matrices A,b,p,... 31 Mar 2010 01:08
generating markov chains Hi all, I would like to generate markov chain using matlab. Please do anyone have the algorithm to realize it. ... 7 Apr 2010 02:25
ftdnn two input i want to use focused time delayed neural net to time series prediction, but the problem is i am not able to take two vector input , being a little specific i have two time series from them i want to predict a third series , somebody can kindly help me how to take two input vector simultaneously. thanx ... 30 Mar 2010 22:56
Deploy GUI Matlab app on web? I can not find clear (any) examples of how to take a Matlab application, which is mostly Matlab GUI functions, and deploy it onto the web and run it from a web page. It seems that you can convert it to Java classes, or have Java wrappers for it. But the examples have Java code (swing) as the GUI. From one example:... 30 Mar 2010 22:56
Selective datacursormode I use a specialized axis for RF engineering (Smith Chart) that has static grid lines (circular lines of constant resistance and reactance) created in the plot generator. I need datacursormode on for the axes to select/label MY data points on the graph but the static grid often gets selected. My question: is there a... 1 Apr 2010 12:22
Obtaining Freq and Amplitude from PSD Hi, I am currently trying to model a road profile from a given PSD value. It is my understanding that I should be able to obtain time signal amplitude and frequency information from the PSD value (but not phase information). I have been reading a number of papers and journals that deal with this in one way or another... 4 Apr 2010 14:50
Selecting a Return from Matlab's Functions Is there a way of not collecting values that are returned from a function? The reason I ask is because the function 'unique' returns 3 arrays, and I'm only really interested in the last one. I was hoping something like [, , x] = unique(A) might do the job, but apparently not. Does anyone have any ideas? (Or d... 30 Mar 2010 20:40
Stem plots and string labels on x-axis? Is there a way to have the stem plot use strings on its x-axis? I would like to use text labels at each tick, without using text() at the various positions. Thx, Fork ... 30 Mar 2010 19:31
utc to local time conversion with dst considered? Does anyone know of an easy way to convert a historical time stamp (utc) into a historical local time stamp (with dst considered). Basically i want to give it a utc time stamp from last Oct or Nov 2009 and have MATLAB subtract 6 or 7 hours (I am in Boulder CO, on the GMT-07:00 Mountain Time Zone) from the utc time sta... 30 Mar 2010 19:31 |