HDL coder and vectors
Hello, I have a problem with HDL Coder when I try to translate to Verilog the module, that contains vectors (i try to use them as a memory). For example, if i try to use matrix in the module, then HDL Coder generates error messages, but if i try to use vectors, then there isn't any error messages from HDL Coder, but... 31 Mar 2010 16:34
Histogram Die
I want to plot a histogram of 12000 sums each of 10 pairs of 5-sided die rolls. I have this Die = sum(ceil(5*rand(12000,10)),2) Plot = hist(Die) Is that correct? Also when i try to use the histogram on it i don't see the histogram output form. All i get is numbers on the matlab command window ... 31 Mar 2010 16:34
motion detection
I need to know the steps i should do to detect the moving person in avideo. first i need to read the video and i did that .what is the next steps? thnx for help.. ... 31 Mar 2010 17:42
How to tarin NN for 30 samples of 40 by 40 binary images
Hiiii I am new to NN. I want to train a backpropagtion NN with 30 distinct binary imges images of 40 by 40 size.I am using nnprtool. P is 1600 by 30 matrix containing input image data T is 30 by 30 matrix containing output data. Now I train with NN with 30 neurons. and input as follows p=[P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P... 31 Mar 2010 15:27
How to plot (+/-) and (-/+) transitions of 3D cube matrix?
Hello Y'all, I have a 200x200x200 matrix of experimental data. For a given any given plane of the cube, the matrix values are smooth and well behaved. For example, I know from examining the data on the z planes that there is a sphere shaped region with sign transitions all around it. A single column of z da... 31 Mar 2010 16:34
fftgui does not work
Hi! I tried to use "fftgui" as described in the Section "Fourier Transforms" ->"Visualizing the DFT" in the Help Browser. But when i try to do the examples, Matlab says the following: EDU>> x = [ones(1,25),-ones(1,25)]; EDU>> fftgui(x) ??? Undefined function or method 'fftgui' for input arguments of type 'double'.... 1 Apr 2010 09:01
Replacing Numeric Vector With Strings
Of course! Thanks very much. ... 31 Mar 2010 14:20
Imtool query
If I run the following program in 2009a ver for j=1:10 filename=sprintf('Image %d.jpg', j); imtool(filename); waitforbuttonpress; close all; end To display 10 images, 'Image 1.jpg' to 'Image 10.jpg' to be displayed, -> why does an extra blank figure pop up while using imtool... 5 Apr 2010 13:51
Matlab Unable to Open
Hi, When I try to open Matlab I am getting the following error message " Java exception occurred: Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class sun.nio.ch.FileChannelImpl Can you please let me know what could be the problem. It was working fine till a coupld of days back, and suddenly I started... 31 Mar 2010 14:20
Material and Fluid Property Calculator
Does anyone know of a program internal or external to MATLAB that I could call from within a script to calculate the properties of a fluid or material? I would like to feed temperature and pressure as inputs and receive back specific heat, density, viscosity (for fluids) and thermal conductivity (for solids) as out... 1 Apr 2010 03:35