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Matlab nested function access from Simulink
Hello, I am programming some nested function with this kind of spirit: tool = myTool() data = []; tool = struct('getdata', @getdata, 'setdata', @setdata); function setdata(in) data=in; end function out = getdata() out = data; end end Now I am in Simulink. My 'tool' variable is in m... 13 Apr 2010 05:05
Contourf values specification
Hi All, Got a query with contourf. Below is the part of my code. say, I need to plot contourf with a value of ZI 0 to 1. I need it to be 5 contours from 0 to 0.2, 0.2 to 0.4 ..... 0.8 to 1. So whats the value in V i need to give. I tried some combinations, but it didnt work with the colors which i have given in col... 9 Apr 2010 09:59
Householder QR Factorization (storing vector results)
Hi, How do I store the results of a vector in a matrix especially when the length of that vector changes at every step? I am solving the Householder QR factorization and need to store vk inside Qu. My algorithm is below: function [Qu, R] = houseqr(A) %This subroutine, houseqr, computes the QR factorization of A. ... 9 Apr 2010 09:59
Convert to Real Time
Hi, This isnt a very "code" oriented question, but Im developing a code to simulate a body travelling under a central force. The units for distance I am using are in A.U for convenience, but Im trying to convert the time over which the simulation takes place back into real time for presentation sake. So say for exampl... 9 Apr 2010 09:59
break/return upon user input
Hi, Can somebody please suggest a way to do the following. I would like to be able to exit a loop prematurely by pressing a key on the keyboard. E.g. for the following function I would like to press, say, "q" to break the loop so the function returns foo and k however far it's got through the loop. function [fo... 20 Apr 2010 15:57
circle detection and read time
a) please describe a strategy for an algorithm that locates a circular watch and reads time from analog clocks/watches automatically. b)Suppose the watches are not positioned upright, they are arbitrarily rotated. Is it possible to read time in this case? If yes, how? (hint: consider the watch bands) thanks J... 28 Apr 2010 07:13
Video mosaicing
how to find the matching of two images autoomously in video mosaicing i have obtained a block matching algo but it gives sum errors on this line: costs(1) = costFuncMAD(imgP(i:i+mbSize-1,j:j+mbSize-1), ... the error is: ??? Undefined command/function 'costFuncMAD'. Error in ==> motionEstSESTSS a... 9 Apr 2010 08:53
symbolic toolbox, infinite sums, coefficients
Hello everybody, I am trying to compute using Matlab an expression of the sort sum(n from 0 to infinity) Fn sin(n theta). In this expression Fn should be a coefficient which is a function of n and I would like to find the expression for the generic coefficient. I will probably have 4 equations with 4 coeffici... 13 Apr 2010 00:46
Composite material biaxial failure analysis
Maximum stress failure theory If i plot max stress theory for single lamina it didnt shows the interaction between stress-x and stress-y (stresses to be plotted) i.e. sx and sy are independant but if, for laminate there is a interaction between sx and sy i am working on it to generate mathamatical model which give... 9 Apr 2010 08:52
Plotting failure envelope
F1*x+F2*y+F11*x^2+F22*y^2+F12*x*y=1 this is tsai-wu equation for plotting proceed further you have to understand that mathamatically its just a eqaution of general ellipse (also called as a quartic eqaution) so, in simplified version of this eqaution can be written as follows, a*x*x+b*y*y+c*x*y+d*x+... 9 Apr 2010 07:47
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