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Determine eccentric points on a rotated ellipse?
Hmm.. no replies? Ok well I'm having serious problems with the second question so I'll reformulate it in case it wasn't clear. I've drawn an ellipse(x0,y0,semimajor,semiminor,phi), phi being the angle of rotation. I would like to find out what equation or function that can get me the positions of the points where the e... 11 Apr 2010 15:41
OFDM and MIMO-OFDM transmit and receive block
Dear all, I am working on a class project and I have to simulate MIMO-OFDM and OFDM transmit and receive block as part of it in a communication system without adding the phase noise first. The problem is I have tried all day yesterday and I still cannot do it without errors. I think the problem resides in the fact t... 10 Apr 2010 00:29
PS and EPS figures are pixelated
I am extremely surprised, and disappointed, that 3D figures appear all pixelated. Although I have many times created figures without problems and the results are generally of great quality printing with -dpsc, -depsc is now generating images at 150 dpi as opposed to vector graphics. I tested creating the figure with ... 10 Apr 2010 10:11
Serial communication issue using matlab
I am trying to do a serial interface on a medical pump via Matlab using examples of serial communication that I have found on the internet, but what seems like a really simple task just isn't working for me. Here are the codes that I've been trying with: !mode com1:9600,n,8,1 s = serial('COM1'); fopen(s); fprin... 12 Apr 2010 18:08
- I have created a shared library out of Matlab '.m' files - I have created a simple C++ wrapper call similar to 'examples/compiler/matrixdriver.cpp' After having fixed numerous link problems now I get the following: Warning: Initializing Handle Graphics failed in matlabrc. This indicates a potentially serious ... 9 Apr 2010 21:11
root locus, tuning for best Ti
I want to vary Td in the root locus to optimize my system response. I first found Kp by plotting the OL of my plant*Contr and found a good Kp value that met my settling time and damping factor. I don't have the newer version of MATLAB so I can't take advantage of the new PID tuning tools. I'd like to vary just the T... 10 Apr 2010 13:29
Loading data with progress bar
I just want to emphasize to the MathWorks Developers that this can be a real problem when you consider that the To File block in Simulink forces users to save into only one variable in an uncompressed mat file. That variable can grow to be extremely large when simulating many signals at high sample rates for a long ti... 9 Apr 2010 21:11
reset default path
I was doing some housekeeping. I was hoping by deleting from my path all ./toolbox/... directories and then setting the path with all subdirectories I would be able to make some discrepancies go away. Bad idea. Now I click Set Path and matlab doesn't know where to find pathtool. How can I manually reset my path bac... 9 Apr 2010 18:58
fullcrosshair and ginput
Is there any way to change the coloring of "fullcrosshair" for use in ginput? I am frequently using ginput in a gui I have for analyzing grayscale soot particle images. I like the "fullcrosshair" pointer, but it is often quite difficult to quickly determine where the center of the crosshair is, due to very small... 13 Apr 2010 02:55
Posting Code to Matlab Central
Hello, Does anyone know if things are going wrong with Matlab Central? I tried to post some code a few weeks ago and it's still not listing out. I also tried to send an email to files(a) today and it bounced... Anyway, I just wanted to see if anyone knows whats going on. Thanks, Anthony ... 9 Apr 2010 18:58
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