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wavelet coefficients for data clustering
Hello, I have a single channel in which I attempting to detect different kinds of signals (i.e. different sudden(transient) sounds in the background) I would like to use a multi-resolution method i've seen else-where (e.g. spike-sorting) that looks for clustering in the coefficients of a wavelet analysis. I'... 27 Apr 2010 14:27
I was wondering if there was a way to use isNaN in a array loaded by excel. I already used isNaN function on my array and I get the [1] which indicate it is a NaN. How would I write a script so that if there is a NaN in the row then extract it to a new array and copy the ones that don't have a NaN in their row ... 27 Apr 2010 14:27
Passing paraneters from Objective Function to constraints infmincon
Sanjeev Rao wrote: Hello everyone, I am using FMINCON, and I am trying to pass a variable computed in the objective function file to the non linear constraint file. This is because the variable I want to pass is dependent on the design parameter which is being optimized. Both the computed variable... 27 Apr 2010 13:19
problem with subsets
Hi everyone, I'm struggling to write a set of equations. Suppose I have the vector N={1 2 3 ... 10} and I write the loop for i=1:1:N fprintf(' + x%d ', i); end fprintf(' = 1'); But now I need to write the same equation for all possible subsets of N, ranging from 2 to 8 elements. So it can be only el... 28 Apr 2010 09:27
what is wrong with my 4 phase switched reluctant motor model?
i used the matlab 2008a and have set a simple modeling of 4 phase SRM with current has the same structure of the demo with 3 phase. And i have selected the generic model and set 5degree and 20degree as turn on and turn off angle with current chop .But i have found the flux linkage of one phase is different w... 27 Apr 2010 13:19
Stack Overflow Error from MEX-file
Hello, I am working in Matlab with MEX files. When I try to return to Matlab from the MEX file with any function like mexCallMATLAB, mexEvalString.. I have a Stack Overflow Error. I think this is a problem of calling conventions.  The MEX file is configuring an analog device to adquire data. Every time an event ha... 27 Apr 2010 13:19
Help to solve ODE problem
My problem is to solve a 2 point BVP nonlinear ode. I did it with IVP. But for attaining the correct end BCs, I need to do it by trail and error. I tried to follow fzero to do it but I could implement to this specific problem. There are two odes in this system for which is denoted as dPbA_dX... 28 Apr 2010 07:13
get matlab 2010a to use MS Visual C++ 2010 Express as mex compiler?
Hi, Pretty much was the subject says: is there any way to get MATLAB 2010a to use MS Visual C++ 2010 Express as its MEX compiler? (Even if it's an unsupported "hack", I don't care, as long as it works...) ... 17 May 2010 11:18
Image Coordinates
I have taken an image with a ruler in it. I currently have the image showing with axis in pixels and require to have the axis in measurment units eg mm . I know there are 78 pixels per cm. If possible i would like the array axis to show real measurements aswell any help on the issue would be much appreciated Chris ... 27 Apr 2010 19:03
Past values of simulink signals
Is it possible to look at the past values of a simulink signal. Like if I wanted to look at the value of my signal for the previous sample would that be possible in simulink? ... 27 Apr 2010 13:19
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