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kmeans centroid with correlation
How does matlab calculate the centroid when the distance is correlation? I tried to look at the code but it just too much information. For example, If I got data = [1,2,3,4,5;10,20,30,40,50;10,9,8,6,7;20,30,40,50,60;] rand('twister',1); [idx ctr]=kmeans(data,2,'distance','correlation'); I got: idx idx = ... 28 Apr 2010 15:08
exclude zeros from plot
Hi everyone- I am making an animation out of several .asc files that represent snowcover. In the plots/animation I would like to not have the the zero values (no snow cover) as no color. I have tried excludedata, but am getting no where. I have tried replacing all 0.00 with NaN, but that does not seem to work.?... 29 Apr 2010 18:04
Matlab crashes on image/surf
I am running Matlab 2009b on Centos and I have a similar problem with the pcolor command. When I suspect a problem with opengl I enter: opengl neverselect at the command prompt. So far this has stopped the crashes for me. JeffH ... 27 Apr 2010 17:55
Slow load time
Walter Roberson <roberson(a)> wrote in message <hlkgv6$hbr$1(a)>... omegayen wrote: adata=adata_real+1i*adata_imag; You could probably do that more efficiently with adata = complex(adata_real, adata_imag); I wouldn't have bothered to use two different ... 24 May 2010 15:41
implementing control theory
I'm looking for a webinar or some other form of help in implementing my controller. I designed a controller using the MATLAB sisotool. My system is fairly simple: a pump, a solenoid valve and a bladder. I'm pumping air into a bladder through a solenoid valve. I've designed a controller which will allow my system to... 29 Apr 2010 01:19
Weather Plot
I have four vectors: Lat, Long, Height, and intensity of weather. Each of these vectors are 1766581x1. I would like to create a 3D plot of all this data where the intensity of the weather is assigned a specific color based on the the weather intensity vector. Does anybody know of any plotting methods for this? I would ... 27 Apr 2010 16:46
Convert to upper/lower case
Please forgive the bluntness, but whose boneheaded idea was it to put a "convert to lower case" keyboard shortcut into the IDE of a case-sensitive language? And the default shortcut key is right next to the "indent" shortcut key. All I can say is "Thanks goodness for Ctrl-Z". Seriously though, in a language like ... 27 Apr 2010 15:37
How to set a particular yticklabel to bold type?
Here is a sample code: ********************************** value = [1 3 2]; ytickword = {'label1' 'label2' 'label3'}; barh(value); set(gca, 'yTick', 1:numel(ytickword)) set(gca, 'yTicklabel', ytickword); *********************************** Is there a way to make 'label2' bold in the figure? thanks. ... 27 Apr 2010 14:27
supervised learning of semantic classes for image annotation and retrieval source code
Hi, I am working on a project that supervised learning of semantic classes for image annotation and retrieval . So am looking for a source code Matlab so that I dont have to do everything from scratch. Please if anyone has such a system could you please provide me with the source code. Many Thanks chandu ... 27 Apr 2010 14:27
Inverse Map Projection (from Transverse Mercator planar coordinates to latitude and longitude geodetic coordinates)
Hi, I am importing some shapefiles into Matlab and I need to retrieve the latidude and longitude coordinates of them (currently in planar coordinates). From the projection file (.prj) I accessed the type of projection (Transverse Mercator) and its parameters (in the following the text of the .prj file). PROJCS["NA... 4 May 2010 17:57
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