Compiling MEX-file with external library
Hello all, I am trying to compile a MEX-file, which uses an external library function. The library is available as "tcdlls.lib". But performing the compilation I get the following error. I have tried also copying the .lib file to the working directory, but this did not help. The library-file is correctly spell... 30 Oct 2009 03:30
MZDDE toolbox for Zemax
Hello, I am trying to use Matlab to control Zemax using the MZDDE version of Matlab 2009a version Zemax October 12, 2009 I am running in full NSC mode. I can intialize the the dde link, get the positon of an object in the NSC editor, change the object tilt. However, when I try to push the lens from Matlab bac... 29 Oct 2009 10:55
Ill conditioned matrix makes linsolve crash
Dear users, I am trying to solve a very ill conditioned system with linsolve, but it makes Matlab hang. The matrix A is symmetric and ill-conditioned: rcond(A) ans = 5.7435e-21 max(max(abs(triu(A)-tril(A)'))) ans = 0 I try to solve this using linsolve (with SYM=false it works): linsolvo... 3 Nov 2009 04:54
SNR estimation
Hi, i have some problems with estimating my signal-to-noise ratio for a combined signal + background. 1. I have a well defined signal 2. I have a well defined background 3. Calculations of SNR, when the signal and background are not putted together via SNR=(signal_max-background_mean)/background_std gives a SNR=4... 29 Oct 2009 06:33
How to use optimset for fminsearch to run Levenberg-Marquardt instead of Nelder-Mead?
Dear All, I have searched the newsgroup for "fminsearch optimset" with combinations on "Levenberg-Marquardt" but I am still not finding what I am looking for. I hope you can help. Question: I am suspecting that fminsearch cannot be changed to use any other optimization algorithm than Nelder-Mead and that my chang... 4 Nov 2009 04:12
MATLAB Out-of-core Solution
Can someone explain how MATLAB handles the situation in which a user runs a large job that exceeds the memory capacity of the system (for example, 1M X 1M FFT)? In particular, if the system is configured with a large swap space, is it used? Is the implementation of the FFT done as an out-of-core solution? If so, doe... 29 Oct 2009 14:17
The Precision of SVD in matlab
I am new to Matlab and trying to do SVD with it. The precision of the SVD turns out to be very bad, maybe I did something naively wrong ... please help I have two small matrix W(31x31) and K(31x50). W is decomposed to Uw*sw*Vw' The conditioning number of W is 2.052816436458144e+13 and the difference of product Uw... 29 Oct 2009 10:55
Regarding SPL Spectra using Matlab
"Kaushik " <kaushikkn(a)> wrote in message <hc9sev$d1s$1(a)>... Thanks Wayne I have my pressure measurements in the units of KN/M^2. I also know the reference pressure at 20 mu pascals. I only wanted an info as to the commutativity of the relations weather we take the spectra and find th... 28 Oct 2009 16:14
fortran API/matlab engine - error using load
I'm trying to create a small fortran subroutine that will use the matlab engine to read some ascii array, allocate a fortran array and copy the data into it. I'm getting this error on the engEvalString(load...) part: ??? Error using ==> load Can't read file stdio. Code below. Any help appreciated. subrout... 28 Oct 2009 15:07
How can I simulate the rotation of a wheel with Simmechanics
I have a project and its mission is to simulate the work of brake system on the motorcycle. Now I want to simulate the rotation of a wheel on the floor, and when we apply a brake moment, the wheel slow down and stop. Can I do it with Simmechanics, and how can I setup the friction between floor and wheel in Simmechan... 28 Oct 2009 12:52