how to create waterfall plot
"Clement Lim" <clementlim(a)> wrote in message <h7be53$kjl$1(a)>... Hi All, I had the following script to read a .wav file and plot the spectrogram of the signal generated. [filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.*', 'Pick any file'); [y, fs, nbits] = wavread(filename);... 27 Oct 2009 23:45
read large text files
Hi , I have text files having 6 columns of data, but the number of rows is greater than 100000. I do not know the exact row number. When I use this prog I am able to get upto 100000 rows. How to get the rows beyond this till the end of file? block_size = 100000; format = '%f %f %f %f %f %f'; file_id = fopen(... 28 Oct 2009 10:39
m-file Gauss Jordan Elimination
I am looking forward to m-file of Gauss Jordan Elimination.I want to solve this equation by Gauss Jorda Elimination with a m-file. 6x1+10x2+15x3+19x4+17x5=2 14x1+19x2+5x3+11x4+5x5=4 13x1+7x2+10x3+3x4+16x5=5 3x1+12x2+14x3+3x4+5x5 =6 2x1+4x2+18x3+5x4+19x5=9 Thank you... ... 28 Oct 2009 18:30
Simulink: playing and recording audio at the same time
Hi I setup a simple simulink circuit consisting of a sine wave generator, a speaker ('to audio device' - block), a microphone ('from audio device' - block) and a 'To workspace' - block. The purpose is to play the sinus trough my loudspeaker, recording it AT THE SAME TIME with my microphone and then write the recorde... 3 Nov 2009 18:13
automatic improfile
Hi! For my project I have to compare 2 images. I have a reference image and a measured image. In the measured image I can choose at random a point where I can get an intensity profile of. Now I want that the measured improfile is at the same position as in the reference. So that I have 2 intensity profiles of t... 27 Oct 2009 10:17
Colorbar Range issue
hi, I am working on a plot where i have a contour plot for which i have to place a colorbar for reference of the color levels in the contour. The colorbar should contain a - values & labels scale of 0 : 2.5 : 100 (%) - colormap should be jet (256) my requirement is like ... for different graph values the... 28 Oct 2009 12:52
Need help to solve a partial diff equ
Hi, I have to solve equ dg/dt=sqrt((2*e)/m) dg/dr where initial condition g0= 0.01*exp(-((r-10)/2).^2); boundary condition 1) dg/dr=0 at r=0 2) g=0 at r=R (We don't know value of R) I am trying in this way ------------------------- function [c, f, s]=pdeg1pde(r,t,g,dgdr) c=1; f=0; e=10; m=2.61*9.109*10^(... 11 Nov 2009 07:53
Yet another bug in Mathematica 7 - Integrate
In[1] := $Version Out[1] = 7.0 for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) (February 18, 2009) In[2] := Integrate[Cos[Pi z] Cos[z]^Pi, {z, 0, Pi/2}] Out[2] = 0 In[3] := NIntegrate[Cos[Pi z] Cos[z]^Pi, {z, 0, Pi/2}] Out[3] = 0.177994 ... 27 Oct 2009 01:34
Fitting a surface with Nurbs
Hello everyone, I have the following problem. I have a surface and must perform a Nurbs (Non Uniform Rational B-Splines) fit of it. The question is how to do it. Maybe it's a really dumb question but it's not totally clear to me how to optimize the knots/control points in order to minimize the fit error in the cas... 20 Nov 2009 20:11
Spectral subtraction
I want to know how I can perform spectral subtraction of a speech signal in order to denoise it.Pls tell me about the process and steps involved Thanx, Madhumitha. ... 27 Oct 2009 05:54