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Generate programmatically new variables Hi, Is there a way to automatically genereate new variables with a specified name? I first will explain my problem: I use fuzzy-c clustering as segmentation algorithm, and it works well. But I want to give a number of clusters from my GUI and then automatically segmentate in stead of making the variables by myself.... 19 May 2010 16:00
plotting only even numbers clc; close all; clear all; fs=25000; f0=2000; d=(f0/fs); n=0:1:99; if mod(n,2)==0 then n=m; end x=sin(2*pi*d*m); plot(m); 'm trying to plot only even numbers from 0 to 99 for sin funtion(here n and m). This code runs but nothing happens after that! can any1 pls solve it for me? Thanks. ... 18 May 2010 17:00
SimMechanic constraints question I'm not sure whether SimMechanics can capture a rotating body that might have the ability of contact at alternating points depending on torque. For example, imagine a block riding between two walls - if the block torques one way then 1 set of opposite corners touches and if it torques the other way then another set of ... 18 May 2010 17:00
Latex interpreter problem - \k{a} and \k{e} does not work I have the problem with polish letters on x and y labels. When I try to obtain polish letter such as ę or ą e.g.: xlabel('\k{e}','interpreter','latex') I have got the warning message: Warning: Unable to interpret LaTeX string "\k{e}" Other letters work fine (\''s -ś, \l - ł, \''o - รณ, e... 18 May 2010 18:07
displaying variable name instead of computed values I would like to display the inputted string for the variable instead of the values that are computed for that variable. Is there a way to do this? My code is below: %% %input parameters n=input('enter length of time vector, (n): '); f=input('enter signal, with (n) as independent variable; (f): '); %to show inp... 18 May 2010 18:07
matlab pbm can any1 tell me abt sum encryption Agorithms in matlab (IDEA,XOR,AES,DES). also te me built in algos in matlab ............using in GUI ... 18 May 2010 15:53
How to determine whether current frame is i-frame , p-frame orb-frame in a video?? Alkesh wrote: "Alkesh " <alkeshchalke(a)> wrote in message <hrourd$9cv$1(a)>... I am accepting a video as input and converting it into frames. Is it possible to classify these frames into i-frames, p-frames and b-frames using matlab???? Can I use "ffmpeg" to serve the... 18 May 2010 15:53
Regarding user defined zooming "Ravi Rastogi" <raviras(a)> wrote in message <hsunhd$mt$1(a)>... Hi everyone, I wanted to know if there is a way to zoom only on particular area in an image within user defined limits? For example, suppose if the image is 300 X 300, and the area of interest is within along x-axis... 18 May 2010 15:53
Problem with Multiple Axes (Plots) on one Figure Hi, I am trying to put 8 seperate plots (abxes) on one figure. I am currently just using the function subplot(2, 4, 8) to display the 8 plots evenly spaced out on two rows , but the plots are too spaced out and I wanted to be able to push them closer together. Is there any way to do this? Btw, I've looked over the a... 19 May 2010 13:47
Regarding user defined zooming Hi everyone, I wanted to know if there is a way to zoom only on particular area in an image within user defined limits? For example, suppose if the image is 300 X 300, and the area of interest is within along x-axis: 58 to 112 and along y-axis: 225 to 275. Is there was way to just display this user defined part o... 18 May 2010 15:53 |