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Export figures to bmp or jpg. Change bit depth or size I need to export figure to bmp or jpg format. I use following command: saveas(hF1,['C:\Users\Dimas\Desktop\a1.bmp'],'bmp'); Then I get bmp-file, but with 8-bit color depth. Then I try to save as jpg saveas(hF1,['C:\Users\Dimas\Desktop\a1.jpg'],'jpg'); And I get 24-bit image but with default paper size 1200*900 i... 20 May 2010 01:55
Simulations needed for Silcon Waveguide Guys! I am working on Hybrid Silicon Laser, where the light emitting InP susbtrate is fused to the silicon waveguide. I am trying to find codes by which I can simulate laser emitting light of different wavelengths. Laser Hybrid Silicon Lased based on FP (Fabre Perot), DFB (Distributed Feedback), DBR (Distributed Bragg ... 19 May 2010 00:41
Add element in Multidimensional Arrays hi, i need add a element in multidimensional matrix I try this memoriatd(:,:,1)=[memoriatd(:,:,1);td]; memoriatd is matrix td is single real number return this error ??? Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch. Thakns ... 19 May 2010 00:41
random data between range. Hi all, I want to make a 1000 random data between 0 to 100 range in a 1000 row and 1 column.Now the problem is i dont how to do it.I already tried the command rand(1000,1)*1000 how ever the range are not very detail.I found that it they are no range start with 0.XXXX.So how to do it?..TQ ... 19 May 2010 10:26
Forcing a Java class to load How do you force a java class to load, so that class initialization occurs? The obvious approach: java.lang.Class.forName('') generates a ClassNotFoundException exception. The goal is to just get the class initializer to run (and leave the class loaded, as shown by inmem). On... 19 May 2010 17:08
error message i create GUI program for lindenmayer systems, but i have an error message : Error using ==> _colonobj Function '_colonobj' is not defined for values of class 'cell'. what the meaning of this error???? thank's ... 18 May 2010 22:30
GUI: Dynamic subplot in axes/uipanel I have a GUI, where I have an axes control inside a uipanel . I need to subplot images, not of a constant number. When the new plot has more images there is no problem, as the old are being overwritten, but in the case I have less, then it overwrites the first, but the last of the previous time remain. So, I need to... 19 May 2010 03:55
System identification modelling in simulink problems Hi Guys, I'm trying to do run a simple model in simulink based on the results of a model created with System Identification toolbox. This image shows what I have done: [URL=][IMG]http://ploader... 18 May 2010 21:25
Overlaying a pcolor plot to a tif image Hi, I'm trying to overlay a pcolor plot representing a density map over a tiff image (representing a map of a city), but when I do it, I obtain a wrong result. In particular, the tiff image is nxmx3 RGB uint8, while the density map that I want to plot with pcolor is a 2D matrix containing the density value in a select... 18 May 2010 21:25
inserting images into mysql database using matlab "Anju prabhu" <anjuarathy(a)> wrote in message <hnfaj2$hhp$1(a)>... hai, I would like to know how to insert images into mysql database and how to retrieve and display the inserted images. How to display the image that is converted into binary format? How to set the password fiel... 18 May 2010 20:20 |