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Find out if intersection of 2 polygons exist Hi! I need to create some very fast algorithm that can tell me if intersection between two polygons exist. I don't need to know how this intersection polygon looks like .That is problem with polybool function which i currently use. It is slow because it finds and returns intersection polygon, but i only want the fun... 28 May 2010 11:32
first order auto-regressive process to model video traffic Hi, I am trying to model video source traffic as a first order auto-regressive model. The specifications given to me concerning the arrival video traffic are: 1) mean = 72.7 kb/s 2) standard deviation = 6.95 kb/s I am not sure how to code this in matlab. This might be a trivial question, but any help will be ... 19 May 2010 08:13
first order auto-regressive process to model video traffic Hi, I am trying to model video source traffic as a first order auto-regressive model. The specifications given to me concerning the arrival video traffic are: 1) mean = 72.7 kb/s 2) standard deviation = 6.95 kb/s I am not sure how to code this in matlab. This might be a trivial question, but any help will be ... 19 May 2010 08:13
dataset table in GUIDE uitable Unfortunately not that I know of. You could however the cellstr function to cast the content of the dataset and set it the 'Data' property of the uitable. I hope this helps. Best regards, Fayssal El Moufatich ... 19 May 2010 08:13
ode 45 Hello I'm interested in solving a differential equation of this form d y/dt = F(t,y) y(0)=y0 In particular I wonder if ode45 can solve this ode with the following constraint: y(t)<M where M is a positive constant. ... 19 May 2010 10:26
create a mask Hi, I am quite new to Matlab and I have a question which might be very simple to most of you. I have an MRI image with pixel values range from 0 to 15000. Is there any way to create a mask such that all values between 0-3000 are assigned to one while value above 3000 are assigned to zero. Any ideas please? Tha... 19 May 2010 10:26
The Round function in Matlab Hey If I use the round function to a vector of numbers I can round the elements to nearest integer. Like: round([1.2 1.7]) ans = 1 2 What if I want to round it to something like: x=[42 53 47] >> [40 50 50] Best Regards Jens ... 19 May 2010 08:13
Sampling rates in Simulink My problem is this. I have a C-MEX S-function that updates at a very high rate. It has no states for Simulink to solve, having a complete solver inside it. When used in a big model, with many systems that do not need this high rate, the high rate is forced on them, which slows the simulation. Ideally I'd like to pa... 19 May 2010 07:08
Boundary conditions definition for heat equation PDE Toolbox Hi, I'm struggling with heat transfer problem using PDE toolbox. I need to use FEM method, and figured out that PDE will be the easiest way. I've got the following situation. Rectangular plate, where both left and right borders don't exchange heat (adiabatic), bottom border got constant temperature. So far boundary ... 20 May 2010 06:12
Problem with colorbar I am using matlab 2010. I want to draw a colorbar on contourf plot but the contourf colors and colorbar colors are not matching The example code looks like this clear; clc;close all; X=1:10;Y=1:10; C=rand(10,10)*100; colormap(jet(7)); [c1 h1]=contourf(X,Y,C,fliplr([0 10 20 50 60 70 100])); clabel(c1,h1); color... 19 May 2010 23:46 |