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FIT function does not work in parfor I have a 4D data set D[nX, nY, nZ, nT]. I need to fit a curve to the elements of this data. Currently this is how I do it - for x = 1: nX for y = 1:nY for z = 1:nZ T(:) = D(x, y, z, :); if T(0) ~= 0 [cval err] = fit(time, T, fitFunction, options, 'problem', delT); cval = coeffvalues(cf);... 19 May 2010 10:26
command line input Hey all, I am using command line matlab and just getting into matlab programming. I have a function called filecat that I wrote to concatenate the contents of data files. Now I want to be able to tell it which files to cat at runtime, something like filecat 15 would concatenate the files associated with the ... 19 May 2010 10:26
Text in plot I am trying to use 'text' to write something in my plot but after running nothing appears Can any one knows what is the problem ? text(1000,1000,'string') .... or text(5*pi/4,sin(5*pi/4),... ['sin(5*pi/4) = ',num2str(sin(5*pi/4))],... 'HorizontalAlignment','center',... 'Back... 19 May 2010 10:26
add zero cells to matrix A= [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ] I need to rearrange my matrix like this : A= [ 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0] ... 19 May 2010 10:26
Constrained neural network Hi all, I am training a network using the 'newff' function. The output so far is good but for one issue. The y-axis of the output represent percentage (max=100) while the x-axis represent some other variable. The problem is that the output of the algorithm sometimes gets to 120% which is not possible with the type o... 20 May 2010 08:21
data acquisition using NI 9172 through matlab >>hw=daqhwinfo('nidaq') hw = AdaptorDllName: [1x68 char] AdaptorDllVersion: '2.12 (R2008a)' AdaptorName: 'nidaq' BoardNames: {1x7 cell} InstalledBoardIds: {1x7 cell} ObjectConstructorName: {7x3 cell} hw.InstalledBoardIds ans = Columns 1 through 6 ... 19 May 2010 09:19
Zero Padding Hi I wish to add zeros the end of the signal. I have used horizontal concatenation. Please see the code below. q= ones(1,1966081 ); w=[q zeros(1023,1)]; It ends up with an error. Error using ==> horzcat CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent. Please help Regards Faisal ... 19 May 2010 11:33
fopen doesn't always open I use MATLAB 2007 R14. I have two similar text files, both of which contain information about trusses - number of nodes, nodal coordinates, number of truss elements, element connections and constraints, and applied forces. When I input the one document, using fid=fopen(filename,'r'), everything is fine, but the othe... 19 May 2010 09:19
Zero Padding Hi I wish to add zeros the end of the signal. I have used horizontal concatenation. Please see the code below. q= ones(1,1966081 ); w=[q zeros(1023,1)]; It ends up with an error. Error using ==> horzcat CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent. Please help Regards Faisal ... 19 May 2010 09:19
Galil Motion Controller Hi! I am working on RIO 47200 Motion Controller for antenna steering. I have developed an interface in Matlab to access the C code written in Mex file format for antenna steering. I can compile the Mex file in Matlab for the first time and the program runs fine. If i recompile the program then it crashes the Mat... 19 May 2010 09:19 |