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HorzResolution and VertResolution
Hello Friends, I am studying 2 images. When i use the function imfinfo on both I get more or less the same info(pertaining to bit depth,ColorType,Format,ImageDataOffset and BitmapHeaderSize). But, there are 2 parameters that are different viz - HorzResolution and VertResolution. In the first image the values are 0,... 22 May 2010 06:13
Solving 2 linear equations with 2 unknown
(r1+150)^2 = (r1+200)^2 + r4^2 -2*(r1+200) * 499.1 * cos(16.177 ) r1^2 = (r1+200)^2 + 1267.9^2 -2*(r1+200) * 1267.9* cos (teta - 16.177 ) Unknown: r1, teta please help me solve this using matlab!!! Thanks ... 23 May 2010 11:21
.....segmentation using morphology.....
hello friends,i am working in "segmentation using morphology".i am new in matlab.i make a code using matlab help,but this code is not working perfectly.actually i am segmenting "cells".also it is not working on another image. images are uploaded to picasa web in album" saurabh_work_matlab" 22 May 2010 04:05
FInding common elements between 2 floating point arrays
I have two arrays not of the same size. They contain floating point data. I was wondering if there was anyway to find out the number of common elements between the 2 arrays but with a certain threshold. Say for example if my threshold is 0.05 and one array contains 0.4 and the other 0.45 it should be considered as a ma... 24 May 2010 11:13
Doppler Shift in rayleighchan does not seem to
This is due to the channel reset when the doppler shift changes. I'm also running into the same issue. I didn't find any way out from this. ... 22 May 2010 03:01
Help understanding ecdf() function
Thank you in advance for your help. I am attempting to script my own two-sample kolmogorov-smirnov test. To do this test I need to create empirical cdf values of the data. I am attempting to check my work with the statistics toolbox as I go along. I am going off the general definition that an empirical cdf is p(x... 23 May 2010 20:08
error message: the value assigned here to the variable might never be use
what this message mean? << the value assigned here to the variable 'z' might never be use>> and how can make this variable can be used ... 21 May 2010 23:48
put many images on one figure
Hi everyone I want to put many images on one figure. Since the number of images are so large that one figure cannot hold all of them. I'm wondering is it possible to put them on a listbox or this kind of thing. So we can view all the images using the slider. Thanks in advanced Zhong ... 21 May 2010 22:43
ERROR MESSAGE:The desktop configuration was not saved successfully
"yuleiwhu ?" <yswhu(a)> wrote in message <hlu5qe$a61$1(a)>... "Seref " <seref_bozoklu(a)> wrote in message <gvghs1$sbq$1(a)>... When I start the Matlab, I always face an error massege: The desktop configuration was not saved successfully I'am using Vista o... 21 May 2010 22:42
MATLAB: code problem
Hello! Can somebody tell me where is the problme in the following code (timestep cant be increased). Thanx in advance! clear %function falling_apple g= 9.81; h(1,1)=10; v(1,1)=10; timestep=0.01; index=1; while (h(index)>0) v(index+1,1)=v(index,1)-g*timestep; h(index+1,1)=h(index,1)-v(index,1)... 21 May 2010 22:42
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