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pause until pressing enter
Hey everyone, I just asked a question, thus anyone know a command, like ginput, for precise clicking on a graph. A solution ussing the data cursor: datacursormode on display('Select wanted point') pause dcm_obj = datacursormode(fig1); cursor_info = getCursorInfo(dcm_obj); cursor_info.Position I liike to p... 22 May 2010 19:17
max. number of variables in fsolve
is there any routine which can solve system of non linear equations with more than two variables. in fsolve it's giving error like numel(z)=2; when i'm trying to solve for z where size(z)>2 ; also fsolve is taking only one value as input is it possible to provide more than one input to it. thnx ... 22 May 2010 08:20
regarding Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Extended Kalman Filterl
i want to know how to apply EKF algorithm during simulink in s-function parameter...pls i would like help as i am doing my project on this matter. IT is based on the paper written by Jinsong Kang Bo Hu Haiwei Liu Guoqin Xu.. i am finding difficulty in the simulink model.. ... 22 May 2010 07:16
Lung cancer detection system..
Dear all, I'm currently developing a cancer detection system. I use digital chest xray images as the input to the system. I extract 6 first order statistic texture features and 4 second order statistic features. Is that enought to consider these features as the input to train the neural network..? ... 22 May 2010 11:38
probability density function vs likelihood
Hello, I calculated probability density function from a histogram(thus non-parametrically).But how I calculate the likelihood(not the maximum likelihood estimation neither the log-likelihood estimation) from the probability density function?I know that an important difference between them is that the first isn't nor... 24 May 2010 10:07
Simulink Mask Entries
In earlier version of MATLAB, I used the command set_param(sys,'Mask Entries',['5 \/ 6 \/ 7']) to set the parameters in the masked blocks. While now when I tried it in 2010a, it give me the error message ??? Your block (mask) does not have a parameter named 'Mask Entries' anyone know what shall I use now and from... 22 May 2010 07:16
NTC Thermistor Model
Hello, I am a new user of the software simulink. I need to simulate a model of a NTC thermistor. I know there is a model in simulink already defined. I read the help file but still do not understand what I have to connect in input A. 22 May 2010 07:16
Alignment of strings
Hi All I want to align some strings in a GUI. I have the following example: h={'Product Name' 'Price' 'Code'} j={'Newcastle' '20' 'EU20'} bongo=[h ;j] set(h,'string',sprintf('%s %s\n',bongo{:}))% h is a handle to a text box. I want the l... 28 May 2010 02:51
Hello, First of all: I don't have any knowlegde about C :( I want to create a MEX-file of LEVMAR. I have already compiled the LEVMAR, LAPACK, BLAS, F2C libraries with CMAKE and MS Visual Studio (using this tutorial: Now I'm trying to create le... 24 May 2010 09:01
ginput on a curve
Hey everyone, I'm trying to sellect some points on a graph with the ginput function. Is there any way to select only the points on the graph. Because you can easely click wrong an than you wil have a point just near the curve and not on the graph. Thx, Stefan ... 22 May 2010 09:25
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