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No toolbar menu in Simulink - Ubuntu
I am using MATLAB 2010a and there is no toolbar menu or statusbar menu in Simulink. Is this normal for Ubuntu version? ... 31 May 2010 08:39
how to find the rotation angle of two template?
i want to find the rotation angle of the contents in two template i tried radon transform method, but it doesn't work for fig 1 and fig 2 instead , it works for fig1 and fig 3 28 May 2010 14:51
Fitting a circle inside a ROI
Hi all, I have imaged a circular object in an MRI scanner. I am trying to measure the 2d distortion of the image of this object. I have loaded this image as an matrix in matlab. I want to find out the largest possible circle that could be fit into the image of the circular object. Then I want to work out what a... 28 May 2010 12:38
blstheta(Price,Strike,Int_Rate,Time,Volatility) blstheta(100,100,.01,.25,.30) ans = -12.394 Question 1 : what is this value? Question 2: Why is the following value produced by the following formula dramatically different than the value blstheta gets? Both should display the decay of price for 1 day... 28 May 2010 06:04
fmincon with an integer parameter
Hello, I'm trying to solve a minimisation problem with fmincon. The only trouble is that I want that one of the parameter of my function should assume only integer value. My code is something like that, where par0S is a vector of parameters. I want the ONE of the value of par0S assumes only integer values. fitnes... 28 May 2010 07:08
compile lap.cpp
Dear all, I am new in Matlab, I download a source code from a website that contain lap.cpp file, and it asked to compile that file via mex, when I compile the file, occurs some error as follow: Error lap.cpp: 115 undeclared identifier `new' Error lap.cpp: 115 operands of = have illegal types `pointer to int' an... 28 May 2010 06:04
plot point on image
hi; i want find the top most pixel of binary image and then colorful it. if the coordinate of this pixel be [i j] then the plot of this point is differnt of top pixel i use this code I=imread(path); image = im2bw(I,1); left=[0 0]; top=[0 0]; right=[0 0]; bottom=[0 0]; [row col]=size(image); for i... 28 May 2010 06:04
i need some help in ploting graph for the following scenario, need some help.... for(i=1;i<=10;i++) { a=randint(10,10,4); //intialized 10 x 10 array with random values from 0,1,2,3 } for every iteration for i=1:10 i need to count the number of 0's,1's,2's,3's that are intialized in an array and plot a graph wi... 28 May 2010 06:04
Zoom in/out on threee plots in the same time
My best wishes to all the Matlab community, I have a window with 3 plots and I want to zoom in/out on all of them at the same time at the same scale. When I zoom in/out on a plot I want that the other two to zoom in in the same way as the plot I am currently zooming in/out. Thank you and have an extraor... 28 May 2010 11:32
Downloading Bloomberg data using BSID
Hi, I am downloading data security specific data from Bloomberg using the Data Feed Tool. I use Bloomberg tickers to identify the securities. Is it possible to use Bloomberg Security ID's (BSID's) instead of Bloomberg tickers? Thanks in advance for your help :-) ... 28 May 2010 03:55
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