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Need help desperately: RESNORM in lsqlin lsqnonneg
I have linear equation to solve. Y = AX + nois A is quite sparse and sparsity pattern is shown in figure 3. lsqlin vs lsqnonneg --------------------------- lsqnonneg works fine and returns resnorm of 9 10^... 1 Jun 2010 10:50
Low pass filter
Ok, first i would like to thank any one who post a response. I am working with accelerometer data. The DC offset is set around 2.5 volts and the max and min outputs are 4.5 and 0.5 respectively. The problem i am having is that the signal has a sinusoidal noise that affects the signal such that the output itself ... 27 May 2010 13:43
from comsol to matlab?
Hi, I'd like to know how to extract the following information from a COMSOL 1. right hand side 2. Jacobian matrix I need to extract these information becose I'd like to run a problem generate with comsol with a ODE1 matlab integrator Thank you in advance, marzio 3. list of boundary edges (inner and outer ... 27 May 2010 12:36
I have a frequence synthetiser ADF4350 with own usb interface and I would like to make an interfacing programme in MATLAB to write data into adf4350 . Can input data from usb into Matlab? and How Can I do it? i know there is Instrument Control Toolbox which can do the reading and writing job with other ... 27 May 2010 11:29
Automatic unit testing tool
Hi everybody!, Can you recommend me any automatic unit testing tool in order to use it during the software verification phase?. It should work in Matlab R2007a under Windows Vista OS. Thanks a lot an best regards, Ivan. ... 27 May 2010 11:29
GUI: load, save and save as function
Hi, I'm making a GUI that has a menu bar containing 'load', 'save' and 'save as'. When the user clicks 'save' I want the program to check if there's a full filename already given(from a previous load). If so, it should just save there, if not it should open save as. The problem I'm having is that whenever I load som... 27 May 2010 11:29
accumarray, histc, bin in non-monotonic bins?
Ive been playing with histc and accumarray, but think they will not do this. Is there an easy way to bin data in non-monotonic, unevenly distributed bins I want to count the number of ones in data(:,1) into bins defined by data(:,2). A snippet of real data is below. So the question is, for the data below, c... 28 May 2010 07:08
3d curve fit
Hi all, I have to fit a 3D curve wich has as X and Y values two pressure coefficients (they have been calculated from a probe calibration). For every value of X and Y corresponds a Value Z wich is an angle. Now what I need is a curve fit wich gives me a formula so that giving the two coefficient X and Y as input ... 16 Jun 2010 17:42
Need help desperately: lsqlin
I am struck for quite a while. Any help would be appreciated. I am first explaining in term of single voxel; but, ultimately, I have to do it for 10 thousand or 1 mil voxels at a time Here is what I am doing (single voxel): =========== My problem is ill-posed. 100 variables, 50 experimental data. Y = A X Y is... 27 May 2010 12:36
How to count dates repetition depending on another column value?
hello everybody, if I have the next matrix M=[ 2007 8 13 4.6 2007 8 14 4.5 2007 8 14 5 2007 8 15 0 2007 8 16 5.1 2007 8 17 0 2007 8 18 0 2007 8 19 4.50 2007 8 19 4.5 2007 8 19 4.4 2007 8 19 4.4 ] anyone have idea of a way to count the repeated dates (columns 1:3) but depending on column 4. I mean if colu... 10 Jun 2010 06:41
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