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Using Solve to solve system of 2 eqns Hello, I wrote the following code to estimate cell (x) and substrate (s) concentrations: Ks = 0.05; % (g/L) Saturation Constant Yxs = 1; % (g/g) Yield Coefficient MuMax = 2.3; % (hr-1) Max Specific Growth Rate So = 1; % Initial Substrate Concentration c = 2; % Cell Concentration Factor alpha = 0.6; % Recycle Ra... 29 May 2010 12:28
Data at regular interval from non-regular interval using INTERP1 Hi all, I have coded the blasius solution for a flat plate in matlab using the shooting method with the guess of 0.332. Everything works. It displays the table for my interval from 0 to 7 along with respective ETA values. However, the interval is irregular, and now I have to go a step further to use the blasius sol... 27 May 2010 23:37
random numbers Hi all, I want to generate 30 random numbers that are between 0 and 1, and these 30 numbers have to add up to 1. Does anyone know how to generate random numbers that add up to a certain value? Thank you in advance, Wendy ... 27 May 2010 22:32
feather plot help please? Hi all, Here is the code i wrote for feather plot with time series data (u and v) (wind data). When i get the graph after running this code the dates on the x axis is incorrect. %% Get Data [fn,pn] = uigetfile('*.data', 'Open the txt file to be read'); file=fullfile(pn,fn); count=1; fid3=fopen(f... 27 May 2010 21:27
Two Dimensional Two-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test? Does anyone know of a file that would do a 2d2s kstest? If someone has written code for this, please let me know - I can't find anything like this in the file exchange currently. Let me know if you need more details about the data. Thanks everyone! ... 27 May 2010 20:22
Indeo 5 codec I have installed in my computer Matlab 2010a / Windows Vista 32 bits. I am tring the record an animation of a robot that I imported from Inventor Desktop in SimMechanics together with Simulink, however when I try to record the avi video appears a warning message regarding that the Windows does not found the Indeo5 C... 27 May 2010 20:22
values less than 1000 Hi, I have a matrix 's' as follows: s = 194 156 146 1036 1008 960 I would like to get all values less than 1000. Can anyone help me out. thanks ravi ... 27 May 2010 23:37
MATLAB GUIDE ERROR? Hi, I was following the GUIDE example about using Userdata in the following link: I ran the slider example and it worked perfectly fine. Then using GUIDE, I changed the orientation of the slider from vertical to horizontal, to s... 27 May 2010 19:15
3D ROI I study medical images (3D object, 3 views, 3 axes). I create 3D ROI as 3 ROIs on 3 axes. Question, can I connect these ROIs, so the dragging one of them interactively results in moving the other two (without additional pressing any buttons)? I tried addNewPositionCallback, but as I understand, it have only one a... 27 May 2010 20:22
fwrite Hello World! I am using MATLAB to write data to an Arduino. In MATLAB, I use the function fwrite to send 10 x 512 bytes of data and transmit this via the Arduino with an NRF24L01 like this: for i = 1:10 data = (vector containing 512 bytes of data) fwrite(s,data) end However, this seems to fail, since only 2... 27 May 2010 19:15 |