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information store cannot start
nousers could getinto outlook today on checking the exchange information store i found it had not started, and when you try and restert it you get error 1053 did not start in a timely fasion (or something to that effect) of restarting the exchange server 2003, running on a windows 2003 std server this is our ... 7 Nov 2006 04:44
Exchange 2003 Hangs
I am running Exchange 2003 on Windows 2003. Twice over the last 2 days, the server has basically refused connections. Users cannot connect using Outlook, OWA or Activesync. When I try to log on using a domain account, the logon screen basically freezes after I enter the credentials. When I log on with a local... 6 Nov 2006 10:24
Trying to install second Exchange 2003 Server
Hello cant install, I get the following errors. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Facility: Win32 ID no: c0070020 Microsoft Exchange Setup I searched for this error ID with no luck, anyone have a clue? Thanks Felix ... 3 Nov 2006 15:18
OAB is nor generated
I've installed the Exchange Server 2003 on MS Windows Server 2003 R2, and the installing was been correct (no errors, forestprep and domainprep was finished w/o any error, dcdiag and netdiag - OK). Then I trying create an user with mailbox and it is ok, the Exchange Server 2003 create mailbox in the IS.... 8 Nov 2006 17:12
Default Microsoft Exchange Services Stopped (Critical)
Under System Manager - Tools - Monitoring & Status - Status are two first administrative groups: one called <servername> and the other called SMTP connector. The former says "Critical: Service not running" while the latter says "Available". Right clicking the former and clicking Properties reveals a tab tit... 3 Nov 2006 18:58
NDR 4.4.6?
I get the following error when attempting to send to a particular DL. A configuration error in the e-mail system caused the message to bounce between two servers or to be forwarded between two recipients. Contact your administrator. <SERVER #4.4.6> How do I check the possibility of looping? ... 18 Oct 2006 16:54
Error Mail Excel with Macros
I'm using exchange 2000 server and office xp Outlook. When i try to send or receive a email on this machine i receive this error. There was a SMTP communication problem with the recipient's email server. Please contact your system administrator. < #5.5.0 smtp;552 MS-Office file con... 23 Oct 2006 11:36
Constraint Violation when attempting to forward e-mails among
Not sure what Journaling is.... In AD, on the Exchange General tab, I set up the Forwarding Address in the Delivery Options section of the window. "Ed Crowley [MVP]" wrote: How are you attempting to do the "forward"? Are you journaling to a mailbox and then trying to configure that mailbox with an alter... 13 Oct 2006 00:25
System manager not working properly
Last week I was goingt o move a mailbox from one mailbox store to another and when I right click on a user the following error message comes up: The server is not operational. Facility: Win32 ID no: 8007203a Exchange System Manager Seems that something is broken but I can't figure out what it is. Any ideas ... 11 Oct 2006 23:45
Public Folder
Hi there, We have a Native E2003 SP" environment. This was migrated from 5.5 with ADC connectors. We found that any public folders sync'd using the ADC cannot be mail-disabled (using Mail Disable in ESM or via CDOEXM). It works fine on folders created in E2003. We would really like to cleanup our environm... 10 Oct 2006 05:09
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