From: William Mook on
On Mar 10, 10:52 pm, Fred J. McCall <fjmcc...(a)> wrote:
> William Mook <mokmedi...(a)> wrote:
> :
> :Let's do an example calculation.
> :
> :Lets say we want to send payloads to the moon and back on a regular
> :basis.  This means we've got to carry our payloads through a delta vee
> :of 18 km/sec.  Let's say we do this with six stages.   Lets also say
> :structural fraction is 10% of total weight.
> :
> Bad assumption.  Structural fraction (dry weight) will vary by fuel
> choice.
> :
> :We have two systems
> :
> For some value of two that approximates three...
> :
> :A hypergolic system with a 3.0 km/sec exhaust speed
> :A jetfuel lox system with a 3.5 km/sec exhaust speed
> :A liquid hydrogen lox system with a 4.0 km/sec exhaust speed.
> :
> The first two will have a structural fraction down around 8% (or
> lower).  The third will come in over 10%.
> :
> :Six stages and 18 km/sec per stage, is 3 km/sec per stage.
> :
> So 18 equals 3?

Not at all. 6 into 18 is 3. That's because the delta vee required to
get to the moon and back is 18 km/sec. To do that in six stages means
each stage must impart 3 km/sec

With a 10% structural fraction and 3.0 km/sec propellant
(hypergolic)and 3.5 km/sec propellant (jet fuel and lox) and 4.0 km/
sec propellant (hydrogen and oxygen cryogens) we have the following
payload fractions per stage;

1/exp(3.0/3.0) -.1 = 0.267879
1/exp(3.0/3.5) -.1 = 0.324373
1/exp(3.0/4.0) -.1 = 0.372367

Divide these figures into one to obtain stage ratios

1/0.267879 = 3.733
1/0.324373 = 3.083
1/0.372367 = 2.686

Since we have six stages, multiply each number by itself six times -
this is called raising this figure to the sixth power. This gives you
the ratio between the payload and the take off weight

3.733^6 = 2,706.2
3.083^6 = 858.5
2.686^6 = 375.1

Multiply this ratio by the payload you're taking to the moon and
back. In this example, I used 60 tonnes, so take off weight is;

60 * 2,706.2 = 162,373.4 tonnes - hypergolic ship
60 * 858.5 = 51,509.1 tonnes - lox jet fuel ship
60 * 375.1 = 22,507.5 tonnes - lox liquid hydrogen ship

Multiply this total by structural fraction to get total structure

0.1 * 162,373.4 = 16,237.3 tonnes structure for hypergolic ship
0.1 * 51,509.1 = 5,150.9 tonnes structure for lox jet fuel
0.1 * 22,507.5 = 2,250.8 tonnes structure for lox liquid
hydrogen ship

Multiply this total by the cost per tonne of building the hardware.
At $10 million per ton for structural hardware these ships cost
anywhere from $22.5 billion to $162.4 billion each. The launch
infrastructure scales with the size of the ship you're handling, and
they end up costing 2x the cost of a single ship. A fleet of five
ships with launch center will cost around 7x the cost of a single
ship. So, we're talking about a program costing somewhere between
$150 billion to $1,000 billion for this fleet of reusable moonships
capable of putting 60 tonnes on the moon and bringing it back to

We can see that improved exhaust speeds decrease the amount of
propellant used, and that decreases the size of the ships and
ultimately, the cost of the program.

If we wanted to build a nuclear pulse spaceship with an exhaust speed
of 20 km/sec we can see that a single stage is possible, since 18 km/
sec is less than 20 km/sec. We could still elect to do multiple
stages. Lets look at building two kinds of nuclear pulse ships. A
one stage with 18 km/sec delta vee, and a two stage ship with each
stage having a 9 km/sec delta vee, again with a 10% structural

Stage Payload fractions for One Stage and Two Stage operations

1/exp(18/20) -0.1 = 0.306570
1/exp( 9/20) - 0.1 = 0.537628

Stage Ratios

1 / 0.306570 = 3.262
1/ 0.537628 = 1.860

Overall Ratios

3.262^1 = 3.262 - one stage
1.860^2 = 3.460 - two stage

Multiply by the payload to get take off weight

60 * 3.262 = 195.7 tonnes
60 * 3.460 = 207.6 tonnes

Multiply by structural fraction to obtain structure weight

0.1 * 195.7 = 19.6
0.1 * 207.6 = 20.8

Each of these ships will cost around $200 million each at $10 million
per tonne - and a fleet of five and launch center will cost $1.4
billion. If we spent $10 billion to develop the nuclear pulse
propulsion system we'd be way ahead of the best conventional system.

By the way, staging usually lowers overall weight, but increases it
here. The reason is obvious. The exhaust speed is higher than the
mission delta vee, so adding stages doesn't have the same effect as
when exhaust speeds are lower than mission delta vee. Even so, a
two stage ship is interesting and can save money even though heavier
overall. That's because the first stage launches 111.6 tonnes into
LEO and quickly returns to Earth. The second stage is then free to
carry out extended missions to the moon and beyond. Several upper
stages can then be built to operate lofted to orbit by only a few
first stages, thus expanding lift capacity at lower cost than a single
larger stage. Off world operations dealing with a smaller ship also
have a lower cost infrastructure as well.

> <remainder elided>
> --
> "Ignorance is preferable to error, and he is less remote from the
>  truth who believes nothing than he who believes what is wrong."
>                                -- Thomas Jefferson

From: William Mook on
Freddie is really grasping at straws -

The facts remain very clear. The higher the exhaust speed of the
rockets you use, the smaller and less costly the system you get for a
given performance. This is why we are best served spending money
improving engine performance before building the next generation of
launch vehicle.

On Mar 11, 8:14 pm, Fred J. McCall <fjmcc...(a)> wrote:
> William Mook <mokmedi...(a)> wrote:
> :On Mar 10, 10:52 pm, Fred J. McCall <fjmcc...(a)> wrote:
> :> William Mook <mokmedi...(a)> wrote:
> :>
> :> :
> :> :Let's do an example calculation.
> :> :
> :> :Lets say we want to send payloads to the moon and back on a regular
> :> :basis.  This means we've got to carry our payloads through a delta vee
> :> :of 18 km/sec.  Let's say we do this with six stages.   Lets also say
> :> :structural fraction is 10% of total weight.
> :> :
> :>
> :> Bad assumption.  Structural fraction (dry weight) will vary by fuel
> :> choice.
> :>
> :> :
> :> :We have two systems
> :> :
> :>
> :> For some value of two that approximates three...
> :>
> :> :
> :> :A hypergolic system with a 3.0 km/sec exhaust speed
> :> :A jetfuel lox system with a 3.5 km/sec exhaust speed
> :> :A liquid hydrogen lox system with a 4.0 km/sec exhaust speed.
> :> :
> :>
> :> The first two will have a structural fraction down around 8% (or
> :> lower).  The third will come in over 10%.
> :>
> :> :
> :> :Six stages and 18 km/sec per stage, is 3 km/sec per stage.
> :> :
> :>
> :> So 18 equals 3?
> :
> :Not at all.  6 into 18 is 3.  That's because the delta vee required to
> :get to the moon and back is 18 km/sec.  To do that in six stages means
> :each stage must impart 3 km/sec
> :
> Go read what you wrote again.  

Why? Clearly 3x6=18 that's what I'm talking about. Only you would
focus on a typographic error and ignore the rest of the article.

> Let me add emphasis to the appropriate
> parts - "Six stages and 18 km/sec PER STAGE, is 3 km/sec PER STAGE."

I'm talking about six stage vehicle taking a payload through a total
delta vee of 18 km/sec - each stage imparts 3 km/sec per stage -
that's the basis of the entire calculation and what I'm discussing.
So, you read all of that and focus only on the typographic errors (two
instead of three, 'per stage' where it shouldn't be) and waste your
time and everyone else's making idiotic statements based on those
minor errors in typography? - haha - you truly are grasping at straws

> So we have you saying that 18 km/sec PER STAGE is 3 km/sec PER STAGE.
> The only possible conclusion is that 18 is equal to 3.

No, the only conclusion is that you're grasping really hard to try to
find fault with what I'm saying and failing miserably.

> :
> :With a 10% structural fraction and 3.0 km/sec propellant
> :(hypergolic)and 3.5 km/sec propellant (jet fuel and lox) and 4.0 km/
> :sec propellant (hydrogen and oxygen cryogens)
> :
> Repeat your bad assumptions all you want.  

They're not bad assumptions at all - they're soundly based. They're
simplifications to get at the root of the importance of exhaust speed
in determining overall vehicle mass and from that overall costs.
Which is the point of the post. In the context of the discussion
about specific impulse the difference between 7% structural fraction
for hypergolics and 12% structural fraction for cryogenic systems is
secondary. Why do you think they are primary? They're not. You
would know this if you actually knew anything about the subject.

> However, see above.  The
> choice of fuel will affect what percentage structure you need for
> tankage, etc.  For non-cryo fuels it is down around 8% or less.  For
> LH2 it is up over 10%.  So all your jiggering with numbers breaks down
> because you're too stupid to make reasonable assumptions.

Not at all, I chose to ignore those minor differences to focus on the
importance of exhaust speeds.

> You are also ignoring things like drag losses getting out of the
> atmosphere,

I'm not ignoring them at all. Its included in the total delta vee
requirement which applies to all of them. Jiggering with the details
doesn't change the conclusions of the argument, and the importance of
exhaust velocity to determining vehicle size and project costs.

> which are going to be higher for the cryo-fueled rocket.

Talk about meaningless numbers. haha - What Freddie is talking about
is that liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellant is less dense
than liquid oxygen and jet fuel, and that's less dense than hydrazine
and nitric acid. That means larger propellant volumes for the less
dense stuff. This means larger tank volumes. This means larger cross
section and higher drag for the less dense stuff. This adds SLIGHTLY
- VERY SLIGHTLY to the delta vee requirements of the lower density

So, the cryogen system will have an air drag loss of about 0.8 km/sec
and the lox jet fuel system will have an air drag loss of about 0.6 km/
sec and the hypergolic system will have an air drag loss of 0.5 km/
sec. This is what Freddie is bellyaching about. A 0.3 km/sec
difference to an 18 km/sec total delta vee.

Its like Fred's bellyaching about me choosing 10% structural fraction
throughout because current systems are 7% structural fraction for
hypergolics and 10% for lox jet fuel and 12% for liquid hydrogen
liquid oxygen. haha - or pointing out that I wrote two instead of
three, or inadvertently typed per stage in a sentence.

in short, he's attempting to lie to everyone about what I'm saying by
mischaracterizing what I'm saying.

Why is he taking the trouble to do this?

Who knows?

The facts remain very clear. The higher the exhaust speed of the
rockets you use, the smaller and less costly the system you get for a
given performance. This is why we are best served spending money
improving engine performance before building the next generation of
launch vehicle.
> <snip meaningless numbers>
> :
> :We can see that improved exhaust speeds decrease the amount of
> :propellant used, and that decreases the size of the ships and
> :ultimately, the cost of the program.
> :
> If you make unrealistic assumptions about the way the world works.
> Your cryo-fueled ships with the higher exhaust velocity will be LARGER
> because of the lower density of the fuel.  This is why the structural
> percentage on such vehicles MUST be higher than is required for
> non-cryo fueled vehicles.
> <more meaningless numbers zeroed out>
> :
> :Each of these ships will cost around $200 million each at $10 million
> :per tonne - and a fleet of five and launch center will cost $1.4
> :billion.  If we spent $10 billion to develop the nuclear pulse
> :propulsion system we'd be way ahead of the best conventional system.
> :
> And if wishes were fishes we'd all cast nets in the sea.
> Hell, build a teleport.  No mass for the ship means no cost, by your
> figuring.
> --
> "Ordinarily he is insane. But he has lucid moments when he is
>  only stupid."
>                             -- Heinrich Heine

From: William Mook on
If we add in the details that Fred is bellyaching about here is what
we get

17.7 km/sec and 7% structural fraction for hypergolic system
17.8 km/sec and 10% structural fraction for lox jet fuel system
18.0 km/sec and 12% structural fraction for lox liquid hydrogen

Six stages divided into each of these obtains a stage delta vee of

2.95 km/sec stage delta vee for hypergolic
2.97 km/sec stage delta vee for lox jet fuel
3.00 km/sec stage delta vee for lox liquid hydrogen system

Exhaust speeds of each system

3.00 km/sec hypergolic
3.50 km/sec lox jet fuel
4.00 km/sec lox liquid hydrogen

Which gives us this propellant fraction

1 - 1/exp(2.95/3.00) = 0.62594
1 - 1/exp(2.97/3.50) = 0.57157
1 - 1/exp(3.00/4.00) = 0.52763

Which gives us this payload fraction

1 - 0.62594 - 0.07 = 0.30406
1 - 0.57157 - 0.10 = 0.32743
1 - 0.52763 - 0.12 = 0.35267

Invert to get stage multiplier

1 / 0.30406 = 3.289
1 / 0.32743 = 3.045
1 / 0.35267 = 2.838

Raise to the sixth power (multiply by itself six times) to obtain
payload to vehicle weight

3.289^6 = 1265.4
3.046^6 = 796.7
2.838^6 = 522.4

Multiply by 60 tonnes (our payload we're carrying around) to obtain
take off mass

60 * 1265.4 = 75,923.7
60 * 796.7 = 47,804.0
60 * 522.4 = 31,346.1

Multiply by structural fraction to get empty vehicle weight

75,923.7 * 0.07 = 5,314.7
47,804.0 * 0.10 = 4,780.4
31,347.1 * 0.12 = 3,761.5

Which implies a vehicle cost of $5.3 billion to $3.7 billion each, and
a program cost of $35 billion to $25 billion.

Which replicates what I said earlier, but produces a narrower range
due to the minor corrections

Continuing as before,

A nuclear pulse vehicle with 20 km/sec exhaust speed and a 20%
structural fraction to account for the nature of the propulsion
system, carrying 60 tonnes through a delta vee of 18 km/sec has a
propellant fraction of;

1 - 1/exp(18/20) = 0.59343

and a payload fraction of

1 - 0.59343 - 0.20 = 0.20657

and a stage multiplier of

1 / 0.20657 = 4.841

and a take off weight (one stage!) of

60 * 4.841 = 290.5 tonnes

and a structural weight of

290.5 * 0.20 = 58.1 tonnes

So each vehicle costs $581 million and the total program costs $3.5
billion (not counting development costs for the engine).

With an engine development cost of $3.5 billion - we have a savings of
over $20 billion over any of the conventional programs above.

So, the argument and conclusions are exactly the same, higher exhaust
speeds reduce program costs. Significant increases provide
significant improvements in cost.

The numbers obviously are slightly different when these details are
taken into account, as we might expect. Even so, since none of these
numbers are written in stone, these numbers are no more accurate than
the ones before. Reusable ships will have higher structural fractions
than throw-away ships. Advanced materials reduce structural fractions
over today's materials. Shape, staging and operational differences
change air drag losses. All over the ranges indicated - which is why
they were ignored in the discussion - the point remains regardless of
Freddie's griping. Higher exhaust speeds mean lower access costs to
space. Laser rockets and nuclear rockets both have the capacity to
achieve higher exhaust speeds near term and radically lower program
costs and operating costs near term.

From: William Mook on
On Mar 12, 12:45 pm, Fred J. McCall <fjmcc...(a)> wrote:
> William Mook <mokmedi...(a)> wrote:
> :Freddie is really grasping at straws -
> :
> :The facts remain very clear.  The higher the exhaust speed of the
> :rockets you use, the smaller and less costly the system you get for a
> :given performance.  
> :
> If you use bad assumptions.

So, what are you really saying Freddie? That higher exhaust speeds
don't lead to smaller systems to achieve a given mission? How does
that work Freddie?

> :
> :This is why we are best served spending money
> :improving engine performance before building the next generation of
> :launch vehicle.
> :
> Hogwash.  

Again, its hard to figure what Freddie is really saying since he says
so little to support his views. Here he's saying that improving
exhaust speed won't create smaller systems to achieve a given
mission. Which isn't right. He's also saying smaller systems aren't
less expensive than larger systems which again isn't right.

> Go read up on the Mars Reference Mission, you dipwad.

Which one?

Here's one that is very low mass and low cost - because it has a high
exhaust velocity for its primary mission!v=E3Lxx2VAYi8!v=8rEa9ACC-TM

It was first developed in the 1940s, and a program was instituted in
the 1950s, and Freeman Dyson felt that we would have a fleet of
interplanetary cruisers operational by 1970s. The film shown in the
BBC special was classified by Eisenhower as was testimony by the
experts. Why? He didn't want to excite the American people into
creating a new space frontier, over spending on space while ignoring
the very real challenges we had here on Earth.

Some CGI work based on the studies!v=qpFEJzD-U_o

Work with micro-fission done at OSU and PSU and Phillips Research Lab
in the 1980s which I was involved with, makes nuclear pulse cleaner,
cheaper, safer than ever before. As I've said, the PI on that one is
now working at USAF Phillips and no new papers have come out - despite
ongoing work.

We could spend $7 billion and have a small fleet of interplanetary
cruisers that would allow us to explore and build outposts throughout
the solar system using this technology. We could spend $70 billion
and build a commercial fleet capable of capturing asteroids and
orbiting significant industrial infrastructure to make life better on
Earth. We could spend $700 billion and support small nation states
throughout the solar system. We could spend $7 trillion and remove
everyone to Earth orbit and beyond - living in city sized space homes
and with this build a space faring culture leaving the Earth a vast
nature preserve going back to its pre-human state.

According to the Brookings Institute humanity spend $7 trillion in the
last half of the 20th century wiring our world for nuclear

The same materials made into microfission triggers and operating
nuclear pulse ships built on the same scale as ICBM and space defense
networks, would have transformed our world engine poverty privation
ignorance and made of humanity a space faring culture.

> :On Mar 11, 8:14 pm, Fred J. McCall <fjmcc...(a)> wrote:
> :> William Mook <mokmedi...(a)> wrote:
> :>
> :> :On Mar 10, 10:52 pm, Fred J. McCall <fjmcc...(a)> wrote:
> :> :> William Mook <mokmedi...(a)> wrote:
> :> :>
> :> :> :
> :> :> :Let's do an example calculation.
> :> :> :
> :> :> :Lets say we want to send payloads to the moon and back on a regular
> :> :> :basis.  This means we've got to carry our payloads through a delta vee
> :> :> :of 18 km/sec.  Let's say we do this with six stages.   Lets also say
> :> :> :structural fraction is 10% of total weight.
> :> :> :
> :> :>
> :> :> Bad assumption.  Structural fraction (dry weight) will vary by fuel
> :> :> choice.
> :> :>
> :> :> :
> :> :> :We have two systems
> :> :> :
> :> :>
> :> :> For some value of two that approximates three...
> :> :>
> :> :> :
> :> :> :A hypergolic system with a 3.0 km/sec exhaust speed
> :> :> :A jetfuel lox system with a 3.5 km/sec exhaust speed
> :> :> :A liquid hydrogen lox system with a 4.0 km/sec exhaust speed.
> :> :> :
> :> :>
> :> :> The first two will have a structural fraction down around 8% (or
> :> :> lower).  The third will come in over 10%.
> :> :>
> :> :> :
> :> :> :Six stages and 18 km/sec per stage, is 3 km/sec per stage.
> :> :> :
> :> :>
> :> :> So 18 equals 3?
> :> :
> :> :Not at all.  6 into 18 is 3.  That's because the delta vee required to
> :> :get to the moon and back is 18 km/sec.  To do that in six stages means
> :> :each stage must impart 3 km/sec
> :> :
> :>
> :> Go read what you wrote again.  
> :
> :Why?  Clearly 3x6=18 that's what I'm talking about.  Only you would
> :focus on a typographic error and ignore the rest of the article.
> :
> :> Let me add emphasis to the appropriate
> :> parts - "Six stages and 18 km/sec PER STAGE, is 3 km/sec PER STAGE."
> :
> :I'm talking about six stage vehicle taking a payload through a total
> :delta vee of 18 km/sec - each stage imparts 3 km/sec per stage -
> :that's the basis of the entire calculation and what I'm discussing.
> :So, you read all of that and focus only on the typographic errors (two
> :instead of three, 'per stage' where it shouldn't be) and waste your
> :time and everyone else's making idiotic statements based on those
> :minor errors in typography? - haha - you truly are grasping at straws
> :Freddie.
> :
> :> So we have you saying that 18 km/sec PER STAGE is 3 km/sec PER STAGE.
> :> The only possible conclusion is that 18 is equal to 3.
> :
> :No, the only conclusion is that you're grasping really hard to try to
> :find fault with what I'm saying and failing miserably.
> :
> :> :
> :> :With a 10% structural fraction and 3.0 km/sec propellant
> :> :(hypergolic)and 3.5 km/sec propellant (jet fuel and lox) and 4.0 km/
> :> :sec propellant (hydrogen and oxygen cryogens)
> :> :
> :>
> :> Repeat your bad assumptions all you want.  
> :
> :They're not bad assumptions at all - they're soundly based.  They're
> :simplifications to get at the root of the importance of exhaust speed
> :in determining overall vehicle mass and from that overall costs.
> :Which is the point of the post.  In the context of the discussion
> :about specific impulse the difference between 7% structural fraction
> :for hypergolics and 12% structural fraction for cryogenic systems is
> :secondary.  Why do you think they are primary?  They're not.  You
> :would know this if you actually knew anything about the subject.
> :
> :> However, see above.  The
> :> choice of fuel will affect what percentage structure you need for
> :> tankage, etc.  For non-cryo fuels it is down around 8% or less.  For
> :> LH2 it is up over 10%.  So all your jiggering with numbers breaks down
> :> because you're too stupid to make reasonable assumptions.
> :
> :Not at all, I chose to ignore those minor differences to focus on the
> :importance of exhaust speeds.
> :
> :> You are also ignoring things like drag losses getting out of the
> :> atmosphere,
> :
> :I'm not ignoring them at all.  Its included in the total delta vee
> :requirement which applies to all of them.  Jiggering with the details
> :doesn't change the conclusions of the argument, and the importance of
> :exhaust velocity to determining vehicle size and project costs.
> :
> :> which are going to be higher for the cryo-fueled rocket.
> :
> :Talk about meaningless numbers.  haha - What Freddie is talking about
> :is that liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellant is less dense
> :than liquid oxygen and jet fuel, and that's less dense than hydrazine
> :and nitric acid.  That means larger propellant volumes for the less
> :dense stuff.  This means larger tank volumes.  This means larger cross
> :section and higher drag for the less dense stuff.  This adds SLIGHTLY
> :- VERY SLIGHTLY to the delta vee requirements of the lower density
> :stuff.
> :
> :So, the cryogen system will have an air drag loss of about 0.8 km/sec
> :and the lox jet fuel system will have an air drag loss of about 0.6 km/
> :sec and the hypergolic system will have an air drag loss of 0.5 km/
> :sec.  This is what Freddie is bellyaching about.  A 0.3 km/sec
> :difference to an 18 km/sec total delta vee.
> :
> :Its like Fred's bellyaching about me choosing 10% structural fraction
> :throughout because current systems are 7% structural fraction for
> :hypergolics and 10% for lox jet fuel and 12% for liquid hydrogen
> :liquid oxygen.  haha - or pointing out that I wrote two instead of
> :three, or inadvertently typed per stage in a sentence.
> :
> :in short, he's attempting to lie to everyone about what I'm saying by
> :mischaracterizing what I'm saying.
> :
> :Why is he taking the trouble to do this?
> :
> :Who knows?
> :
> :The facts remain very clear.  The higher the exhaust speed of the
> :rockets you use, the smaller and less costly the system you get for a
> :given performance.  This is why we are best served spending money
> :improving engine performance before building the next generation of
> :launch vehicle.
> :> <snip meaningless numbers>
> :>
> :> :
> :> :We can see that improved exhaust speeds decrease the amount of
> :> :propellant used, and that decreases the size of the ships and
> :> :ultimately, the cost of the program.
> :> :
> :>
> :> If you make unrealistic assumptions about the way the world works.
> :> Your cryo-fueled ships with the higher exhaust velocity will be LARGER
> :> because of the lower density of the fuel.  This is why the structural
> :> percentage on such vehicles MUST be higher than is required for
> :> non-cryo fueled vehicles.
> :>
> :> <more meaningless numbers zeroed out>
> :>
> :> :
> :> :Each of these ships will cost around $200 million each at $10 million
> :> :per tonne - and a fleet of five and launch center will cost $1.4
> :> :billion.  If we spent $10 billion to develop the nuclear pulse
> :> :propulsion system we'd be way ahead of the best conventional system.
> :> :
> :>
> :> And if wishes were fishes we'd all cast nets in the sea.
> :>
> :> Hell, build a teleport.  No mass for the ship means no cost, by your
> :> figuring.
> :>
> :> --
> :> "Ordinarily he is insane. But he has lucid moments when he is
> :>  only stupid."
> :>                             -- Heinrich Heine

Freddie seems to care little for reality in his effort to bury the
simple fact that highly energetic jets of material, made with laser or
nuclear energy have the potential to vastly reduce the size of rocket
systems and improve their performance to the point where rockets join
jets to create a real space age, equivalent to the jet age - and
create the world we deserve today.
From: William Mook on
On Mar 12, 12:50 pm, Fred J. McCall <fjmcc...(a)> wrote:
> William Mook <mokmedi...(a)> wrote:
> :If we add in the details that Fred is bellyaching about here is what
> :we get
> :
> :    17.7 km/sec  and 7% structural fraction for hypergolic system
> :    17.8 km/sec and 10% structural fraction for lox jet fuel system
> :
> Still too high.  Stop trying to jigger the numbers and use realistic
> ones.
> <arithmetic elided>
> If you have perfect rockets and jigger the numbers.

What are you bellyaching about now Freddie? The fact that the
results remain unchanged when you put in the details you were
bellyaching about before?! Ha! What correction did you want to put
in now?

> Jesus, how did we EVER get to the Moon without six stage rockets?  

That's not the point Freddie. The point is that with a higher exhaust
speed you use less propellant which reduces the size and complexity of
the spacecraft with the higher exhaust speed. So, it makes sense to
spend a little money to increase your exhaust speed and thereby reduce
the size and complexity of the vehicles involved.

An important detail is that we can get exhaust speeds in the 20 km/sec
to 50 km/sec range - which gives us tremendous capabilities going
forward, if we're smart enough to develop this capability.

To your comment, we got to the moon and came back with six stages
Freddie. The moon and back Freddie used six stages.

Count 'em

1. SI - lift off
2. SII - ascent
3. S-IVB - orbit/TLI
4. Service Module - enter lunar orbit/exit lunar orbit
5. LEM-descent - descent to moon
6. LEM-ascent - ascent from moon

I am proposing in my calculation for simplicity a direct ascent
trajectory and six stages still.

You can see that the lunar module is replaced by a two stage deal,
where one is used to descend, the other used to ascend. With four
stages to get to the moon.

1. Lift off
2. Ascent
3. Orbit
4. Lunar Injection
5. Landing
6. Return

Lunex used the same approach for the same reasons...

ALL used six stages dude.

> It
> MUST be impossible.  Mookie says so.

Never said anything of the sort. I would suggest you actually learn
to count before making idiotic statements like this you lunatic.

> :
> :Continuing as before,
> :
> :A nuclear pulse vehicle with 20 km/sec exhaust speed and a 20%
> :structural fraction to account for the nature of the propulsion
> :system, carrying 60 tonnes through a delta vee of 18 km/sec has a
> :propellant fraction of;
> :
> :        1 - 1/exp(18/20) = 0.59343
> :
> :and a payload fraction of
> :
> :       1 - 0.59343 - 0.20 = 0.20657
> :
> :and a stage multiplier of
> :
> :        1 / 0.20657 = 4.841
> :
> :and a take off weight (one stage!) of
> :
> :         60 * 4.841 = 290.5 tonnes
> :
> :and a structural weight of
> :
> :         290.5 * 0.20 = 58.1 tonnes
> :
> :So each vehicle costs $581 million and the total program costs $3.5
> :billion (not counting development costs for the engine).
> :
> Except you're now talking totally different systems and your WAG for
> vehicle cost is out the window (among other things).
> :
> :With an engine development cost of $3.5 billion - we have a savings of
> :over $20 billion over any of the conventional programs above.
> :
> Your claims for development costs are, as always, laughable.
> How much did it cost to develop the Saturn V, Mookie?  

Saturn V Development Cost $: 7,439.60 million

According to government records.

> Your present
> claim is that developing a large nuclear pulse jet will be orders of
> magnitude less expensive.

Section 6 of "Nuclear Pulse Space Vehicle Study, Vol. 1 --
Summary" (1964) projected a development cost of about $2 Billion for
the 10-meter version of the spacecraft.

I suspect that using modern micro-fission I researched at OSU that
cost could go down, but we'd elect to increase performance slightly,
and today we'd build a superior version of this interplanetary cruiser
- and spend only $3.5 billion to get all the detailed work done.

> And that doesn't strike you as a
> preposterous position?

What's preposterous exactly?

> --
> "Ordinarily he is insane. But he has lucid moments when he is
>  only stupid."
>                             -- Heinrich Heine