From: Kappa on
Hi, again me ... :-) ...

I have one problem with SUM of 3 signal.

############# [CODE]#############

signal E : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
signal Z : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
signal r : std_logic;
signal total : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);

total <= Zi + Ei + r;

############# [/CODE]#############

If I generate the block schematic (Xilinx ISE) the "adder" have 2
input of 4 bits and CI, and so far are perfectly okay, but the output
is 4 bits without CO ... why ?

Where he finished 5th bit of total signal ?

Where is that wrong ?

I'm confused ...

From: Kappa on
Add a notes, infact I receiving a warning from tools:

"Width mismatch. <total> has a width of 5 bits but assigned expression
is 4-bit wide."

I have used alse this template (for adder with carry out) but without
resul :

<temp_value> <= <input1> + <input2>;
<output_sum> <= <temp_value>((<adder_width>-1) downto 0);
<carry_out> <= <temp_value>(<adder_width>);

How generate adder with carry out ?

From: whygee on
Kappa wrote:
> Add a notes, infact I receiving a warning from tools:
> "Width mismatch. <total> has a width of 5 bits but assigned expression
> is 4-bit wide."
> I have used alse this template (for adder with carry out) but without
> resul :
> <temp_value> <= <input1> + <input2>;
> <output_sum> <= <temp_value>((<adder_width>-1) downto 0);
> <carry_out> <= <temp_value>(<adder_width>);
> How generate adder with carry out ?
> secureasm

one way I have used : implement a "normal" adder,
with 1 more MSB and one more LSB, so you have

tmp : std_logic_vector(width+1 downto 0);

then : you construct your 2 operands so that
- the LSB is the carry in, it goes on one input,
the other input is stuck to '1' => carry in propagates
to the next LSB.
- The MSB is the carry out.
- the other bits are the normal wide operands.

I did this on
and the result code is :

-- add/sub :
sumAux := unsigned('0' & ActualAr & '1') + unsigned('0' & ActualBr & Addsubr);
-- if (Addsub = '0') then + else -

modulo some variable renaming, of course, and
the temporary result sumAux here is a unsigned,
it is cast later as a std_logic_vector :

-- trim the LSB (carry-in)
Sum(Sum'left downto 0) <= std_ulogic_vector(sumAux(sumAux'left downto 1));

It should work everywhere and the unnecessary bits
must be optimised out.


-- /
From: KJ on
On Apr 8, 4:30 am, Kappa <secure...(a)> wrote:
> Hi, again me ... :-) ...
> I have one problem with SUM of 3 signal.
> ############# [CODE]#############
> signal E : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
> signal Z : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
> signal r  : std_logic;
> signal total : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
> total <= Zi + Ei + r;
> ############# [/CODE]#############
> If I generate the block schematic (Xilinx ISE) the "adder" have 2
> input of 4 bits and CI, and so far are perfectly okay, but the output
> is 4 bits without CO ... why ?

Does total(4) get used anywhere? If not, then it will get optimized
away since it is not needed.

> Where he finished 5th bit of total signal ?

You tell us, the use of total(4) would be in your code. Any signal
that does cause an output pin to change either directly, or
indirectly, will get optimized away.

> Where is that wrong ?

Your expectations are likely what is wrong.

> I'm confused ...

Try bringing total(4) to an output pin.

From: Symon on
This doesn't answer your question per se, but is worth reading.

You are using ieee.numeric_std.all ? You should be!

HTH., Syms.