From: Jonathan Bromley on
On Mon, 07 Sep 2009 12:46:38 +0100, Brian Drummond wrote:

>I've tried to stay out of this language thread .. how'm I doing?

<grin> At least we haven't started a slanging match yet.

>> in the languages I've mentioned, concurrency is
>>well-managed and easy to reason about.
>As VHDL successfully demonstrates. (I guess Verilog too,
> [non]-blocking assignments apart)

Well.... I'm not so sure. Verilog's concurrency model is like
the Wild West - everyone is allowed to shoot from the hip any
time they feel like it. Nonblocking assignments get you within
reach of VHDL's model if you want it, but of course nothing is

VHDL is OK - the loopholes are well-documented and few in
number, and the discrete-event model works well enough for
hardware modelling - but it's not easy to encapsulate
process-to-process signalling protocols in an elegant way,
and such signalling is not built in to the language and
therefore you can't reason about it unless you've developed
a calculus for whatever signalling protocol you choose to use.
Of course, in practice much of this is obviated by the
existence of standard interface protocols at various
levels of any design - but it's kinda sad that we can't
communicate between blocks by something as clean as

my_output_channel!value ->->->-> my_input_channel?variable

and be secure in our understanding of precisely what
that means. Which brings us back to....

>Occam ... well it relied too heavily on a specific machine;
>their fate was too closely connected.

Commercially, of course, you're right. From a theoretical
point of view, though, occam was just an implementation of
CSP - which really does have a life of its own, and even has
a live-and-kicking HDL based on it right now (Haste, from
Handshake Solutions).

>You can no longer coherently argue that Ada is too large,
>complex, obscure or inefficient to be useful.

Tee hee. It made me giggle when the C/C++ community, who had
been whining for years about their dislike of the complexity
of Ada and most particularly of generics, suddenly decided
that templates were cool - and built a whole new pinnacle
of complexity all their own.

>Maybe - just maybe, there is a chance to improve software practice,
>instead of bringing hardware practice down to its level.

Seems to me that the two disciplines still have an awful lot
to learn from one another. A bit more humility, on both sides,
would do no harm. But, for sure, I will not be told by some
Javascript-hacking weenie that I've been doing hardware
all wrong for the past three decades.
Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

DOULOS - Developing Design Know-how
VHDL * Verilog * SystemC * e * Perl * Tcl/Tk * Project Services

Doulos Ltd., 22 Market Place, Ringwood, BH24 1AW, UK

The contents of this message may contain personal views which
are not the views of Doulos Ltd., unless specifically stated.
From: ganeshstha on
I am new to the FPGA world. I am using chipcon CC2400 board and has the
Xilinx's XC2S200E FPGA. Is it possible to program it program the FPGA in
I donot have any experience in VHDL and verilog.

If it possible to program in C, what interface can i use?

CC2400 has a 10 pin JTAG.

any help will be highly appreciable.

From: Andy on
FPGA's are not processors, so FPGA's are not "programmed" by a
language per se. They are designed, and the design is specified using
a schematic or a language, usually verilog or vhdl. "Programming" an
fpga usually refers to downloading the design configuration data into
the FPGA (i.e. via the JTAG port you mentioned. The FPGA and/or board
vendor will provide utilities to "program" the FPGA with your design
configuration data.

The design configuration data is created by tools that read your
design description (schematic or language-based), synthesize a netlist
of various resources, and then optimally place and route those
resources within the FPGA chip's architecture.

With a lot of money for some high-dollar tools, it is possible to
synthesize an FPGA design from a description written in the C
language. Then you place and route that synthesized netlist using the
FPGA vendor's tools (some available for free).

But for starters, I would strongly recommend using an HDL like verilog
or vhdl, and of those two, I recommend vhdl. Both are supported by the
FPGA vendors' free design tools.

From: James Harris on
On 2 Sep, 15:34, Andy <jonesa...(a)> wrote:


> But for starters, I would strongly recommend using an HDL like verilog
> or vhdl, and of those two, I recommend vhdl. Both are supported by the
> FPGA vendors' free design tools.

Verilog is closer to C and may thus be a little easier for the OP to

It's probably been covered many times but as a beginner myself it
would be interesting to know why you recommend VHDL. Care to

From: Mike Treseler on
James Harris wrote:

> Verilog is closer to C and may thus be a little easier for the OP to
> learn.

Maybe, but it's harder to write C-like code
because variables are not completely safe.

-- Mike Treseler