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help resizing a partition on GPT disk
Hi I have built a 5T partition with my raid card and just expanded it out to 9G, now I want to resize the partition I had to use parted so that I can use gpt partitions. Every time I go to resize partd tells me it doesn't know what fs ison the partition - its a pv. so I am sort of stuck ... Never really us... 25 Apr 2010 07:42
Icedove/Thunderbird 3.0 (was Re: The future of "nv" ...)
On 04/24/2010 06:11 PM, James P. Wallen wrote: [snip] PS: My apologies. Recent update to my mail client coupled with lack of sleep. I accidentally sent Ron a direct e-mail reply. Mea culpa. I don't think I've hated a program more than I hate Tbird 3.0. -- Dissent is patriotic, remember? -- T... 26 Apr 2010 19:29
Sharing Iceweasel's bookmarks through LAN
Hi, I am using UNISON to share files between two computers in my LAN. I share my documents, etc., but I would like to share bookmarks too. However, I don't know if Iceweasel puts them in some place. Where could I reach them? Thanks. -- Merciadri Luca See 25 Apr 2010 09:54
Blank page after every page when printing PDFs with evince - Debian Lenny, CUPS, HP Paintjet (pj)
I have noticed that when printing multi-page PDF files from evince on the GNOME desktop, using CUPS under Debian Lenny, I get a blank page after every page. My printer is an HP PaintJet. This wastes paper and is very annoying. I have searched the Internet, of course, but I did not find any solutions. The close... 24 Apr 2010 16:08
Why is Acroversion not properly updated?
Every time I update acroread (including mozilla-acroread, the plugin which displays PDFs), it breaks until I edit /usr/lib/Adobe/Reader9/Reader/AcroVersion to reflect the current version (which is noted in the shellscript /etc/alternatives/acroread). This should NOT be necessary. Is it my problem or do I need to... 24 Apr 2010 16:08
Filesystem recommendations
Hi, I have a question on filesystems. Back in the day, I started using reiser3. It was faster than ext3, and it could be extended without umounting the filesystem (which has since been fixed in ext3), plus, unlike any filesystem I have encountered, it could be reduced in size. Well, now reiser3 is very long in... 4 May 2010 11:12
overcoming the 32k objects limit is ext3 - which file system to use?
On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 09:43:27AM +0530, Siju George wrote: Hi, ext3 can have only 32000 files/folders under a folder and I hit that limit. Which file system can I use to over come it? I am planning for JFS Does anybody has any recommendations? You are stating that you believe there to be a 3... 26 Apr 2010 10:15
how to setup my environment variable for vim ?
Hi to Everyone, I use 'ncftp' fairly often, and I wish to be able to edit files on my remote accesses. The ncftp command 'edit' does not operate here, it says: " Setup your Editor environment variable prior to running ncftp example for /bin/sh: EDITOR="/usr/bin/vi";export EDITOR " But, on my Lenny, I don... 25 Apr 2010 17:49
Kernel (de)bug information sent, even if there is no connection
Hi, When my Lenny (w. k. 2.6.26-2-686-bigmem) encounters a kernel error, a box pops, and I am asked if I want to report the (de)bug information. 1. Why can't I specify somewhere that I always want to report this info? Such boxes are annoying 2. If I am not connected to the Internet, the (de)bug info is marked ... 25 Apr 2010 07:42
Türkiye nin Hava Fotoğrafları (
1 Mayýs - 30 Mayýs tarihlerinde, Türkiye genelinde hava fotoðraflarý çekim çalýþmamýz devam edecektir. Ýlgili kurum, iþletme ve kuruluþlar <http://www.vil... 24 Apr 2010 03:56
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