From: kdthrge on

> > >
> > Because 4pir^2/pir^2 = 4. But this does not give the mean temperature.
> > And it certainly doesn't make it possible to ignore the 400 or so
> > watts/sq meter of thermal frequencies in the sun's radiation.
> Who's ignoring it? If you want to base it on the earth's projected
> area then 1370 W/m^2 comes in, 411 W/m^2 reflected into space leaving
> 959 W/m^2 of which 268 W/m^2 is absorbed by the atmosphere and 671
> W/m^2 absorbed by the surface. So where's the missing 400W/m^2?
The Sun's radiation is about half in visible light, approx. 685 W/M-2
of solar constant. If the reflectivity of the earth is .30 for visible
light. This gives 205 W/M-2 of reflected visible light energy. Thermal
frequencies are not reflected. Your number of 411W/M-2 - 205W = 206
W/M-2 of thermal frequencies that are either absorbed in the upper
atmosphere and reradiated, or actually absorbed in the stratosphere.
About 1 % of total solar energy is absorbed as ultraviolet in the upper
This leaves 479 W of visible light that reaches the surface. For the
number of about half of solar constant energy reaching surface, means
192 W/M-2 of energy in the near infrared and thermal frequencies .70 to
1, 1 to about 2.8 microns reaches the surface by absorption and
reemision from molecule to molecule, Added to the 479 W/M-2 of visible
light that is not reflected.

The total visible 685W/M-2, The total near infrared to 3 microns that
reaches the surface 195 W/M-2 + visible 685W = 880 W/M-2. 1370 - 880 =
490 W/M-2 of absorbed radiation other than visible light that does not
rach the surface. Subtract the energy of the ultra-violets, and you
have roughly { 400 W/M-2 } of thermal frequencies from the sun that
do not reach the surface.

AT the equator at solar noon, 1000 W/M-2 reaches the surface. This is
the visible light (none reflected), and the near infrared to about 2.8
microns and some ultraviolet. The thermal frequencies longer that 3
microns are almost non-existent in this radiation that reaches the
ground, And if they are present it is from absorbed frequencies that
have been reemited.

I do not mind criticism of this analyses. This is not strict dogma.
Kent Deatherage

From: Phil. on

kdthrge(a) wrote:
> ).
> > > >
> > > Because 4pir^2/pir^2 = 4. But this does not give the mean temperature.
> > > And it certainly doesn't make it possible to ignore the 400 or so
> > > watts/sq meter of thermal frequencies in the sun's radiation.
> >
> > Who's ignoring it? If you want to base it on the earth's projected
> > area then 1370 W/m^2 comes in, 411 W/m^2 reflected into space leaving
> > 959 W/m^2 of which 268 W/m^2 is absorbed by the atmosphere and 671
> > W/m^2 absorbed by the surface. So where's the missing 400W/m^2?
> >
> >
> The Sun's radiation is about half in visible light, approx. 685 W/M-2
> of solar constant. If the reflectivity of the earth is .30 for visible
> light. This gives 205 W/M-2 of reflected visible light energy. Thermal
> frequencies are not reflected.

Where do you get this from? The CERES project measured the albedo
using the wavelength band 0.3-5 microns, this covers all the solar
wavelengths. The analysis I gave is correct.

> Your number of 411W/M-2 - 205W = 206
> W/M-2 of thermal frequencies that are either absorbed in the upper
> atmosphere and reradiated, or actually absorbed in the stratosphere.
> About 1 % of total solar energy is absorbed as ultraviolet in the upper
> atmosphere.
> This leaves 479 W of visible light that reaches the surface. For the
> number of about half of solar constant energy reaching surface, means
> 192 W/M-2 of energy in the near infrared and thermal frequencies .70 to
> 1, 1 to about 2.8 microns reaches the surface by absorption and
> reemision from molecule to molecule, Added to the 479 W/M-2 of visible
> light that is not reflected.
> The total visible 685W/M-2, The total near infrared to 3 microns that
> reaches the surface 195 W/M-2 + visible 685W = 880 W/M-2. 1370 - 880 =
> 490 W/M-2 of absorbed radiation other than visible light that does not
> rach the surface. Subtract the energy of the ultra-violets, and you
> have roughly { 400 W/M-2 } of thermal frequencies from the sun that
> do not reach the surface.
> AT the equator at solar noon, 1000 W/M-2 reaches the surface. This is
> the visible light (none reflected), and the near infrared to about 2.8
> microns and some ultraviolet.

The measured albedo in the tropics is about 0.3.

> The thermal frequencies longer that 3
> microns are almost non-existent in this radiation that reaches the
> ground, And if they are present it is from absorbed frequencies that
> have been reemited.
> I do not mind criticism of this analyses. This is not strict dogma.

Good it's based on a false premise about the albedo.

From: kdthrge on
Phil. wrote:
> kdthrge(a) wrote:
> > ).
> > > > >
> > > > Because 4pir^2/pir^2 = 4. But this does not give the mean temperature.
> > > > And it certainly doesn't make it possible to ignore the 400 or so
> > > > watts/sq meter of thermal frequencies in the sun's radiation.
> > >
> > > Who's ignoring it? If you want to base it on the earth's projected
> > > area then 1370 W/m^2 comes in, 411 W/m^2 reflected into space leaving
> > > 959 W/m^2 of which 268 W/m^2 is absorbed by the atmosphere and 671
> > > W/m^2 absorbed by the surface. So where's the missing 400W/m^2?
> > >
> > >
> > The Sun's radiation is about half in visible light, approx. 685 W/M-2
> > of solar constant. If the reflectivity of the earth is .30 for visible
> > light. This gives 205 W/M-2 of reflected visible light energy. Thermal
> > frequencies are not reflected.
> Where do you get this from? The CERES project measured the albedo
> using the wavelength band 0.3-5 microns, this covers all the solar
> wavelengths. The analysis I gave is correct.

There you go, pointing to some data which you can't or don't break down
into basic terms, and then insist that your postulations are correct
and expect others to believe you have any credible scientific approach
to achieving conclusions. Let us please go over the basic physics of
your reference and your scientific corroboration. I'm really getting
tired of this psuedo science on such a serious topic as this.

I've seen a lot of bullshit at sites supposedly sponsered by NASA. It's
just proof of the decadence of higher learning. One of these, and a
basic principle of grenhouse gas theory, is that the distribution
curves of the radiation of the sun and the earth are offset so that the
minimums of the sun are advanced beyond the whole curve for the earth.
This is blatantly false. The minimum does not advance for the high
temperature like the sun and all the frequencies that the earth
radiates, are in the lower end of the Sun's spectrum at higher
inensity. But it is true that the hibiscus for the two curves must be
changed to get them on the same page. This allows grenhouse theory to

That is totally ignorant to say that the "albedo" applies to the
wavelength's 3-5 microns. Any basic labratory analyses can prove these
frequencies do not reflect and pass through air unabsorbed. These are
at the range that they are radiated at earth's temperature. These
frequencies do not reflect off of solids but are absorbed and
re-emmited. The intensity of their re-emision is mainly dependent upon
the general temperature and the statistics for the probabilities.

Another thing is the attribution of the absorption to certain
molecules. These assertions are not proved in the laboratory, but are
conjecture from the observation of dark spectral bands. The theory that
some gases are grenhouse gases and that this maintains the temperature
of the earth is false and can be proved to be so.

It is more important to analyse the actual energy in a sq. meter at the
equator, than to define the averages that ultimately determine
temperatures. 700, visible 220 near infrared, 90 ultraviolet, and 370
thermal frequencies blocked out. Any absorbed frequencies are converted
to the thermal frequencies also. The top of the stratosphere is at
-3C,270K which is 301 W/M-2 of energy radiation field. The air in the
stratosphere is very thin, temperature drops with decreasing pressure.
Only 1% of Sun's energy is absorbed in ultravilolet in the whole
stratosphere. Which would be 13.7 W/M-2. Despite these facts, the top
of the stratosphere is almost the same temperature as the surface of
the earth Here are the absorbed thermal frequencies. If these
frequencies passed through air, just the radiation field from these gas
molecules would add at least 100 watts to the surface temperature.

I would very much appreciate that you break down into basic terms your
assertions and the supposed direct coroboration you imply to refer to
have besides saying "look at this Nasa link" that seems to support my
assertions, and anyone is stupid that doesn't agree.

Kent Deatherage
> > Your number of 411W/M-2 - 205W = 206
> > W/M-2 of thermal frequencies that are either absorbed in the upper
> > atmosphere and reradiated, or actually absorbed in the stratosphere.
> > About 1 % of total solar energy is absorbed as ultraviolet in the upper
> > atmosphere.
> > This leaves 479 W of visible light that reaches the surface. For the
> > number of about half of solar constant energy reaching surface, means
> > 192 W/M-2 of energy in the near infrared and thermal frequencies .70 to
> > 1, 1 to about 2.8 microns reaches the surface by absorption and
> > reemision from molecule to molecule, Added to the 479 W/M-2 of visible
> > light that is not reflected.
> >
> > The total visible 685W/M-2, The total near infrared to 3 microns that
> > reaches the surface 195 W/M-2 + visible 685W = 880 W/M-2. 1370 - 880 =
> > 490 W/M-2 of absorbed radiation other than visible light that does not
> > rach the surface. Subtract the energy of the ultra-violets, and you
> > have roughly { 400 W/M-2 } of thermal frequencies from the sun that
> > do not reach the surface.
> >
> > AT the equator at solar noon, 1000 W/M-2 reaches the surface. This is
> > the visible light (none reflected), and the near infrared to about 2.8
> > microns and some ultraviolet.
> The measured albedo in the tropics is about 0.3.
> > The thermal frequencies longer that 3
> > microns are almost non-existent in this radiation that reaches the
> > ground, And if they are present it is from absorbed frequencies that
> > have been reemited.
> >
> > I do not mind criticism of this analyses. This is not strict dogma.
> Good it's based on a false premise about the albedo.

From: kdthrge on

> The pseudo science is all yours, I presented data derived from the
> literature which I have referenced previously in the thread:
> Kiehl, J.T., and Trenberth, K. (1997). Earth's annual mean global
> energy budget, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 78 (2),
> 197-208.

Albedo has very little to do with the amount of energy recieved in 1 sq
meter at the equator at solar noon. This is 1000 W m-2. The solar
constant is 1370 W m-2. This leaves 370 W m-2 that doesn't make it
through the atmosphere.

In the solar constant, visible light is 50 % or 685 W m-2...,,
infrared is 41% or 562 W m-2....., and ultraviolet is 9% or 123 W m-2.
This is absolutely an elementary question to your 'science'.

You can attack me all you want. I am not the one making at living at
this, or trying to impose the most severe form of socialism upon our
free country for the abatement of CO2 upon FALSE PREMISE which is a
criminal matter.

You sure find ways to avoid the issues. So how much energy does the sun
radiate in the thermal frequencies. At the surface of the sun, the
radiation is 73,483,200 W m-2
One of your compatriots said and quoted sources early in this
discusion that the sun emits no appreciable radiation beyond 2800 nm.
This is a very great incorrect statement for someone in your position.

So you don't get confused the question is, 'what is the distribution of
frequencies in the 1000 W m-2 collected in a solar collector at the
equator at solar noon.'
You can't answer this because you have no science. Just a bunch of
sigh-un-trific drivel.

Kent Deatherage

From: kdthrge on
Phil. wrote:
> kdthrge(a) wrote:
> > Phil. wrote:
> > > kdthrge(a) wrote:
> > > > ).
> So come up with some proof, these measurements are done in the lab
> routinely, I must have done them 100s of times with a FTIR spectrometer
> with a 10m pathlength. NDIR monitors are routinely used to measure
> environmental CO2 and are sold by many instrument companies, based on a
> useless technology according to you. A link to a manufacturer follows:
> products/carbondioxide/vaisala%20carbocap®%20brochure.pdf
> These absorption bands are not the result of conjecture but careful
> experimental measurements!

And you should be held liable for stating this false science here,
that is done without analyses of the overall heat or energy of the gas.
Any proportion of air to CO2 at temperatures and the pressures of the
atmosphere, will achieve EXACTLY THE SAME TEMPERATURE.. This is
scientific fact. Diference in heat capacity would change the time of
achieving final temperature. The fact is there is virtually no
difference in heat capacity of CO2 to molecular nitrogen and oxygen at
these temperatures and pressure conditions either. You have no
statistics to support your superstition that CO2 has any capability to
cause any kind of warming.

To fascinate on what you to percieve to be absorption bands with
absolutely no evidence that the temperature is in any way affected is
pure bullshit. So what if you detect 'absorption bands. At these
temperatures energy is conveyed in continous spectra (meaning each
frequency, hv, is present). Overall quantity of hv is not affected by
these 'absorption bands'. You little pricks witn your overblown
associate degree of Enviro,, need to learn some science.

And your dynamics that put the Earth at 30C cooler without the effect
of particular gases to retain heat is completely made up nonsense. At
every point, it's like closing your eyes and throwing a dart at a wall
completely filled with ballons to hit a point where your dynamics do
not match valid science. The problem is you do not have the mental
capability to inorporate information in a reasoning process. All of you
idiots just quote what the others have made up in your collective
invalid thesis.

Kent Deatherage