From: mmeron on
In article <c7WdncygLPPv3r3YRVnytQ(a)>, "T Wake" <usenet.es7at(a)> writes:
><mmeron(a)> wrote in message
>> In article <K4XTg.7154$N4.5515(a)clgrps12>, "Homer J Simpson"
>> <nobody(a)> writes:
>>>"Gordon" <gordonlr(a)> wrote in message
>>>>>So you are saying they are NOT better Xtians than everyone else?
>>>> No, I'm saying that this war on terrorism started long before
>>>> President Bush and the present Republican administration was
>>>> involved in any way.
>>>But it isn't a war.
>> It is a war.
>Really? So all the "Rules of War" apply then?
The rules of war apply to those who themselves apply the rules of war.

>> Refusing to recognize it as such will not make it go
>> away.
>Calling it a war legitimizes the terrorists and stops people thinking of
>them as criminals who should be punished. For thirty years the British were
>terrorized by Irish Republicans, it was never called a "war."

I'll say again, it is a war, refusing to recognize it as such will not
make it go away.
>The western world bandies the term "war" around much too easily. (War on
>Terror, War on Drugs, War on Obesity etc.)
Indeed, quite true. Yet, in this case, it is a real war.

Mati Meron | "When you argue with a fool,
meron(a) | chances are he is doing just the same"
From: John Fields on
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 22:14:02 GMT, "Homer J Simpson"
<nobody(a)> wrote:

>"Gordon" <gordonlr(a)> wrote in message
>>>So you are saying they are NOT better Xtians than everyone else?
>> No, I'm saying that this war on terrorism started long before
>> President Bush and the present Republican administration was
>> involved in any way.
>But it isn't a war. It is a problem for a police force that requires
>international cooperation, something the US is notoriously unable or
>unwilling to be involved in.

I see. You think that we've isolated ourselves and that we're
pursuing a strictly military solution to the problem.

You are insane.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
From: Homer J Simpson on

<mmeron(a)> wrote in message

> Indeed, quite true. Yet, in this case, it is a real war.

What is the uniform of the other side and how do you distinguish them from
the non combatants?

-- In 1209, Pope Innocent III launched an armed crusade against Albigenses
Christians in southern France. When the besieged city of Beziers fell,
soldiers reportedly asked their papal adviser how to distinguish the
faithful from the infidel among the captives. He commanded: "Kill them all.
God will know his own." Nearly 20,000 were slaughtered -- many first
blinded, mutilated, dragged behind horses, or used for target practice.

From: Eeyore on

mmeron(a) wrote:

> "Homer J Simpson" <nobody(a)> writes:
> >"Gordon" <gordonlr(a)> wrote in message
> >
> >>>So you are saying they are NOT better Xtians than everyone else?
> >>>
> >> No, I'm saying that this war on terrorism started long before
> >> President Bush and the present Republican administration was
> >> involved in any way.
> >
> >But it isn't a war.
> It is a war. Refusing to recognize it as such will not make it go
> away.

It's not a meaningful war since the 'enemy' isn't an identifiable entity but a 'view'.


From: Eeyore on

John Fields wrote:

> On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 22:14:02 GMT, "Homer J Simpson" wrote:
> >"Gordon" <gordonlr(a)> wrote
> >
> >> No, I'm saying that this war on terrorism started long before
> >> President Bush and the present Republican administration was
> >> involved in any way.
> >
> >But it isn't a war. It is a problem for a police force that requires
> >international cooperation, something the US is notoriously unable or
> >unwilling to be involved in.
> ---
> I see. You think that we've isolated ourselves and that we're
> pursuing a strictly military solution to the problem.

It looks pretty military to me for sure.


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