From: |||newspam||| on

unsettled wrote:

> Ben Newsam wrote:
> > On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 13:37:38 -0600, unsettled <unsettled(a)>
> > wrote:
> >
> >>T Wake wrote:
> >>
> >>>See, if you had an NHS then you would realise doctors do indeed take on new
> >>>patients, even if they have existing conditions.
> >>
> >>Is that required, or voluntary?

Unless the condition is so obscure that the GP thinks the patient would
be better off elsewhere. GPs are generalists and not omniscient. Some
have specific areas of interest.

> > It is just the way the system works. Required, if you like. Doctors
> > have a contract with the health service, and presumably the devil is
> > in the detail.
> The question is not answered.
> Is a doctor required to accept new patients?

Pretty much. The only exceptions I can think of are for patients with a
history of threatening behaviour or violence against medical staff -
their choice of GP may be limited to establishments with additional
security measures.

And I suspect hypochondriacs may find that they spend a very long time
in the doctors waiting room if they insist on daily visits...

I am sure someone from can give chapter & verse.

> Can a doctor refuse to accept a particular new patient
> while accepting others?

Yes but AFAIK only if he has good reason. Being unable to prove who you
are is one.

It is common in the UK for a patient to change doctors only when they
move home. In Belgium and Japan you don't register with a doctor and so
can pick a new one every time you get ill if you want. And the Japanese
system is second to none - their life expectancy is extremely high
considering that a high proportion are chain smokers.

Dentists in the UK more nearly match your medicare model (as I
understand it children and the elderly treated free but everyone else
is chargeable). There are still a few NHS dentists left but most have
full books of patients and huge waiting lists. The occassional new NHS
one comes on stream (usually Polish) and has queues stretching several
blocks trying to sign up within hours of opening their doors.

The private dentists are expensive but know they have a captive market
- few people can continue to live with toothache for any length of

> Let's say I hear about a doctor who is spectacularly
> successful in treating some condition I happen to have.
> Do I have to wait till one or several of his patients
> die before he'll take my case? Is there a waiting list?

There might be if he is that good at lets say transplants. Many top
surgeons also do some private work too so if you pay you might be able
to queue jump. But medical need trumps abiltiy to pay so in a life or
death situation the NHS is extremely effective.

> If my taxes are paying for physician services, is there
> any assurance I'll get one who is significantly qualified
> to handle my issues? Or is it simply pot luck, as in
> "all doctors are equally qualified"?

You visit your GP and then pick a suitable consultant or surgeon or
whatever. Depending on the seriousness of your condition at the local
hospital, regional or national specialist centre.

There is a nominal charge for every GP prescription - irrespective of
the cost of the drugs.

The death rates in the NHS are mostly better than those in the private
hospitals (and when the private hospitals screw up they dump difficult
cases back into the NHS). Cherry picking routine easy to do
uncomplicated operations for the private medical sector is increasingy
common in the UK.

Martin Brown

From: Ben Newsam on
On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 18:46:52 -0600, unsettled <unsettled(a)>

>We already know that you favor Marxist socialism so it is hard
>to understand why you're in such constant denail. We know the
>reason we dislike it is because it is socialist.

We know the reason you say you dislike it is that you say it is
"socialist", which isn't quite the same at all.

It is interesting to speculate just what you do or do not consider
"socialist". For instance, I am almost certain that you do not
consider caring for an immediate family member "socialist". I would
imagine that to be "socialist", a caring action has to be performed by
a government of some sort. So let's assume the existence of an
extended family, in which the paterfamilias performs (with the
approval of the family, of course) some caring action for a distant
cousin. I guess that isn't really "socialist" either. Somehow, there
exists in your mind some boundary, some limit to your goodwill or
obligations for your fellow man, at which any right-minded action
suddenly becomes anathematical.
From: Ben Newsam on
On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 18:57:42 -0600, unsettled <unsettled(a)>
>Ben Newsam wrote:
>> On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 13:37:38 -0600, unsettled <unsettled(a)>
>> wrote:
>>>Is that required, or voluntary?
>> It is just the way the system works. Required, if you like. Doctors
>> have a contract with the health service, and presumably the devil is
>> in the detail.
>The question is not answered.
>Is a doctor required to accept new patients?
>Can a doctor refuse to accept a particular new patient
>while accepting others?

Hmmm... OK... as I said, I am not sure of the exact details of the
contracts between GPs and the NHS, but in general terms a GP will take
on new patients if his "list" is not full. ISTR that each GP's list
may have about 10,000 patients, but I don't know the actual number.

A GP *may* refuse to take on a particular patient even if he has space
on his list, but presumably the reasons have to be within the terms of
the contract. For instance, distance to the patient's home may be a
factor. If the patient is known to be abusive or violent, a GP would
certainly be within his rights to refuse to treat him.

>Let's say I hear about a doctor who is spectacularly
>successful in treating some condition I happen to have.
>Do I have to wait till one or several of his patients
>die before he'll take my case? Is there a waiting list?

In general, yes. Popular practices are over-subscribed and there may
be a waiting list, and the reverse is true too. In practice it isn't
quite like that, because there is a constant turnover of patients for
other reasons than death, but at the same time there are an awful lot
of people needing healthcare. I know of GPs who have particular
interests in, say, mental health issues, or paediatrics, or women's
health, or whatever, but they are still GPs (stands for General
Practitioner, as I am sure you know) and not specialists. GPs tend not
to be spectacularly good at particular conditions. He would send you
to see the specialist for the condition that you have, and you would
probably see that specialist as an out-patient at a regular clinic at
the hospital.

Let me tell you how it works at my local health centre, or how it
worked for me when I registered there. There are about six doctors
there, so the whole practice may take on quite a large number of
patients (economies of scale and ancilliary services, and makes shift
patterns more reasonable etc., etc..). When I registered, I was
assigned to the list of a particular doctor, but when I attend the
centre, I might in practice see any of the six doctors unless I insist
on seeing "my own". As it turned out, I didn't even meet "my" doctor
for several years! Other health centres might do things differently, I
don't know.

>If my taxes are paying for physician services, is there
>any assurance I'll get one who is significantly qualified
>to handle my issues? Or is it simply pot luck, as in
>"all doctors are equally qualified"?

It's true that GPs are reasonably equally (and very highly) qualified.
It takes longer to train as a GP than as a hospital doctor, so in
general you would choose a doctor by personal preference rather than
by his qualifications. Pot luck is mostly good enough for me though, I
can always change (and I have done) if I can't get on with a
particular doc.
From: Ben Newsam on
On Tue, 14 Nov 2006 03:16:44 -0600, unsettled <unsettled(a)>

>Ben Newsam wrote:
>> On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 18:50:42 -0600, unsettled <unsettled(a)>
>> wrote:
>>>It might be a part time second
>>>job, or a kid might do it.
>> Send them down the mines or up the chimneys, best place for them.
>That's *your* answer, of course.

There's nothing socialist about me, remember.
From: Eeyore on

Ben Newsam wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 18:35:55 -0600, unsettled <unsettled(a)>
> wrote:
> >Kennedy stood at the wall and proclaimed, "Ich bin ein Berliner."
> So he said he was a small doughnut? So what? Or was it a beer he
> called himself? I forget. Probably both. Caused much amusement at the
> time.

A sausage IIRC but WTH.
