From: Eeyore on

'foolsrushin' wrote:

> Homer J Simpson wrote:
> > "Gordon" <gordonlr(a)> wrote in message
> > news:00c0i29vn31ejl71pku1d0r1nfaevj6p4i(a)
> > >>So you are saying they are NOT better Xtians than everyone else?
> > > No, I'm saying that this war on terrorism started long before
> > > President Bush and the present Republican administration was
> > > involved in any way.
> > But it isn't a war. It is a problem for a police force that requires
> > international cooperation, something the US is notoriously unable or
> > unwilling to be involved in.
> Bush and 'Boy Blair' poked a nest of hornets, and now we all have to
> live with the consequences. Probably the intention was to stir up the
> guys to get at their oil, but the miscalculation was that this was a
> political issue: probably, whoever thermited the Towers, there was no
> recognition that there would be nobody to negotiate with and
> conversely, universal Islamic protest, with a highly significant number
> of them flying into a scattered self-sacrificial rage. The next and
> silly step was to declare war on 'terrorism', effectively inventing

Oh no !

Not a conspiracy theorist who believes the towers were thermited ?


From: Eeyore on

lucasea(a) wrote:

> "unsettled" <unsettled(a)> wrote in message
> > You've just gone over the cliff with the other lemmings.
> And you think calling people names is a valid substitute for discussing
> facts. Nice way to influence people to your point of view.

Funny how they do that and I've come in for particular criticism despite saying
barely a bad word about any poster in this thread.


From: Eeyore on

unsettled wrote:

> Lucas and Wake are, without a doubt, agitator class
> Marxist socialists. Lucas keeps denying it, but all
> the words and concepts are there from both of them.


You really are quite mad. Have the voices in your head been bothering you again


From: Eeyore on

unsettled wrote:

> The US doesn't do well with infant mortality. I haven't
> delved into why that is.

I dare say because you don't have 'free' pre and post-natal services.


From: hill on
Winfield Hill wrote:
> Michael A. Terrell wrote:
>> Winfield Hill wrote:
>>> Winfield Hill wrote:
>>>> 4200 postings and still going strong. Amazing.
>>> Wow, now 7200 posts and still going strong. And most
>>> of the posts were under the original subject title. This
>>> must be some kind of a record. Certainly it's a stress
>>> test for the Google Groups web-page display code, etc.
>> Never have so many, said so much, about so little! ;-)
>> I heard of one long flame war that passed 10K posts,
>> but I never found out which newsgroup.
> We passed 9000 on the 14th, and are now within 100 posts
> of 10,000. Keep up the good work guys, you can do it!

Google Groups is having a little trouble with this long thread.
The message-heading list said there were 9999 posts, so
I hoped to make the 10,000th post, but upon loading all the
article references in the left sidebar, it showed more than
10,050 posts, so I missed the opportunity.

But, good job guys and gals, over 10,000 posts, and still
going strong. And still on topic more or less. I've only
read a smattering of the posts here and there, and there's
a minimum of flaming SFAICS. Nice to see.