From: Michael A. Terrell on
YD wrote:
> You should return that computer you're using. When the salesman asks
> why tell him you're too stupid to use one.

Another bitter rant? You should practice what you preach.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
From: Eeyore on

Daniel Mandic wrote:

> Eeyore wrote:
> > America's only got a couple of hundred years of history.
> >
> > It makes them dizzy thinking much further back.
> >
> > Graham
> Yes, but I like many of them.
> You just have a Book (The Book), being nearly thousand years old, not
> to mention the older history.
> But as everywhere, you can find bad and good.
> How the U.S.A. managed that 50:50 voting spectacle is out of my
> imagination.
> And 50:50 makes a short-circuit. The outcome we can see all over the
> world :-(
> We have a phrase here, it goes, "when two are struggling laughs the
> third".

Interesting phrase !

I must remember that.


From: lucasea on

"Michael A. Terrell" <mike.terrell(a)> wrote in message
> YAWN = Not very intersting reply to me. How long have you been on
> Usenet?

No, "not very interesting reply to me" means you just skip it and move on.
YAWN is "I'm trying to impress you with how big/smart/important/well-hung I
am by telling you your reply is beneath me, and screaming it at you." At
least be honest with yourself.

Eric Lucas

From: lucasea on

> YD wrote:
>> Positively so. All you have left is posing as powerful know-it-alls on
>> the internet.

You're going to have to stop trimming so much, so we can tell which group of
powerful know-it-alls you're talking about. Sometimes it's really hard to
tell the players without a scorecard.

Eric Lucas

From: Eeyore on

"Michael A. Terrell" wrote:

> YD wrote:
> >
> > Positively so. All you have left is posing as powerful know-it-alls on
> > the internet.
> >
> > Ever tried to figure what you look like to those outside of your tight
> > little circle of cronies?
> What's wrong? Did your only "friend" blow out his brains to get away
> from you? I am 100% disabled, but it doesn't keep me stuck at home. I
> can still do some work, some days so I do volunteer work to help other
> disabled people in my area. You, on the other hand are always bitter,
> and trying to slam anyone who has a clue.

You wouldn't know a clue if it jumped up and smacked you round the face !
