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THE MOST POWERFUL NON-SCRIPTED VIDEO YOU WILL EVER SEE My challenge to James Randi Even YouTube named it PaY1 Herc -- "This is where it's at" ~ Andrew Johnson pointing to the Olympic running track ... 4 May 2010 16:50
Postscript: chapter 3 of Redshift Experiment became hugely more complicated #53; ATOM TOTALITY Well I repeated the experiment tonight, only outside of my house. For I took a single panel 127 cm by 34 cm and about a thickness of 1 to 1.5 millimeters. Now I do not know how science of optics describes these panels. Whether they are translucent for they are not clear, and whether they are opaque and the dif... 3 May 2010 00:08
There is no Orient-Preserving Diffeo. Between CP^2 and CP^2^- Hi, everyone: Let CP^2- be a copy of CP^2 with reversed orientation. I am trying to show that there is no orientation-preserving diffeo. between the two. Would someone suggest and/or please check my work.? I cannot prove that diffeos. preserve orientation numbers (do they.?) but I think this work... 3 May 2010 00:08
Friedrichs' inequality in anisotropic Sobolev spaces Is there any result on Friedrichs' inequality in anisotropic Sobolev spaces H0^(p, q) (vanishes on boundary with derivatives up to orders p-1 and q-1 respectively)? I want to prove that the bilinear form a(u,v) induced from weak formulation of homogeneous Dirichlet problem (on a rectangle) for Lu = (-1)^p du^2p/dx... 2 May 2010 16:28
any natural cases of counting pseudo-random things with largeoscillations? David Bernier wrote: The prime-counting function pi(x) gives the number of primes <= x, x being a real number: < > . In the Wikipedia article on the Riemann Hypothesis, there's the statement: << Von Koch (1901) proved that the Riemann h... 3 May 2010 01:13
Only solvable perhaps by a very profound math statements How do we regulate truth with numbers and what are the limits of numbers to express truth? Consider the origins of the universe to be an exponential Lewis Carroll rabbit-hole into Einstein's ethereal description of expanding space and suddenly a comparison of two single quantities against a third does not quite ... 2 May 2010 19:47
Inifnite Limits Hello, there is some real function f:[0,1]-> R, such that for some dense subset E of [0,1], we have lim_{x -> y} f(x) = + infinity, for every y in E? I think the answer is yes, but I don't see how to construct such a function. Some idea? Thank you very much for your attention. My Best Regards, Maury Ba... 4 May 2010 12:20
Symmetry and Abstraction The number symbol for a quantity of ten did not necessarily have to be expressed by two digits. This decision was made by us, so it may be a problem. I claim P equals NP equals equals zero when N equals ten. Here is my proof: Let P equal ZERO. Let N equal TEN. ZERO equals TEN multiplied by ZERO, proving ... 2 May 2010 12:03
octanion--- Aleks Kleyn wrote: "JEMebius" <jemebius(a)> wrote in message news:4BD8CE6A.5060606(a) Aleks Kleyn wrote: i want to make some calculation in octanion algebra. however when i looke for table of product i was little bit confused. usually i see table like following e0 ... 5 May 2010 01:43
The Klein group (non-cyclic of order 4) What is this group? 1) Is it an abstract group? 2) Is it a permutation group? 3) Is it transitive? Intransitive? Either? 4) How did it get named? Was it a joke? Klein worked on a group of order 168. Thank you, John McKay ... 4 May 2010 21:18 |