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Freeing up variable memory Hi, If I store a .wav file in a variable using wavread() the variable will use up some memory. When I'm finished with that .wav file I can clear the variable but if I want to use the variable again in the near future does setting it equal to 0 free up all the memory it was using, or should I really use clear? Man... 2 Jun 2010 14:15
Java not clearing from memory? Hello, I'm working with a matlab/java setup to communicate with a robotics simulation environment. The java part of the system contains its own thread for recieving messages from the simulator. Now, the problem is that the java classes persist even after being deleted from the matlab stack. I can call "clear java"... 29 Jun 2010 20:42
createMask.m Hey all, Can someone please send me Matlabs (createMask.m) program....I have the R2007b version and I think this addition was added later on. Thanks you so much, Mathew ... 2 Jun 2010 14:14
Mark interval in plot Hi, I have a beginners question and I am not even sure what to search for, making it difficult to look for already existing code. I want to create a simple GUI with an somewhat interactive plot. By clicking and dragging the user shall be able to select a part of the plot, this part being marked somehow, like inversi... 2 Jun 2010 13:08
Multiple ultrasonic sensors on LEGO Mindstorm NXT I am trying to use three ultrasonic sensors on the LEGO mindstorm platform using simulink and Embedded Coder Robot. Since there is too much noise if I use the sensors at the same time, I need to use each sensor separetely. Is it possible to stop and start each sensor when I want? Thank you very much. ... 2 Jun 2010 12:01
Smoothing image data I want to make a measurement on some image data which requires it to be smooth. I have a noisy image. With 1D data I would use the "smooth" function. I don't think a median filter is right for my application. Ideally I would like to do a robust lowess regression such as provided by the curve fitting toolbox. I have two... 2 Jun 2010 18:41
Power law fit with two scaling ranges Hi, I am trying to find an algorithm to make a power law fit with two scaling lines or regions. In summary the two axes of the function will be log-log and I am trying to find the two lines which can be used to approximate the function. I would appreciate any advice on guidance on how to implement such an algorith... 2 Jun 2010 17:35
formula from curves for two inputs dear all, Hello, I need your help in this matter, I am doing my thesis in master program in electrical engineering, the discription of the subject is: we have two input vectors ( included in one vector): T ( temperature ) and H ( humidity ), there is a corresponding one input P ( power deman... 2 Jun 2010 14:15
cell index from external array element value Hello, I woudl like to know how to use the element values within an array as the index values of another array: For example: address = [1,4,22,34,35,36,37,48] Each of the the element values in the above array correspond to a cell address where the data satisfies a given condition. e.g. data{1},data{4},d... 3 Jun 2010 05:39
changing the sign of a vector I have a waveform which is an amplitude over time, an example is: -1.0350 -0.2500 0.5275 1.2425 1.8475 2.2950 2.5950 2.7725 2.8325 2.7600 2.5725 2.3325 2.0650 1.7950 1.5325 1.2425 0.9100 0.5600 0.2650 0.0300 -0.1350 ... 2 Jun 2010 12:01 |