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MCR issue in Ubuntu
Hello everyone, I am writing a matlab library (*.so )and using it in c++ code. The library depends on some .h headers [mclmcrrt.h & mclcppclass.h] located at DIRECTORY1 and some .so libraries [libmwmclmcr] located at DIRECTORY2. I am writing a file and I read that I should use LDFLAGS and LIBADD with ... 1 Jun 2010 16:23
undefined reference to `mlfScalar'
I try to compile c file with gcc. In this c file I use matlab shared library, this is function: gcc newmain.c -I/media/backup/matlab2010/extern/include, but I get errors: newmain.c:(.text+0x32): undefined reference to `mlfScalar' newmain.c:(.text+0x47): undefined reference to `mlfAssign' newmain.c:(.text+0x56)... 1 Jun 2010 16:23
Filter design/implementation question
Hello, I have to implement a fixed-point low-pass digital filter which meets these requirements: Passband: 0-3700Hz Max ripple in passband: 1.5dB Stopband: 4000Hz and up Attenuation in stopband: minimum 40dB Sample frequency: 16000Hz As far as I can see, 3 sections of second-order IIR filters (elliptic ... 5 Jun 2010 07:03
moving average code taking too long
I just wrote a moving average program, but it is taking about 10 minutes to run and this is too long. Here is the code I am using on a small example. a= 20041126 7.11 20041127 2.33 20041128 5... 1 Jun 2010 21:54
Proper GRNN use in Matlab
I have been looking at metal properties with respect to it's life, and trying to predict likely ranges that the life would fall into. I discovered neural networks, and it seemed that they would prove useful in my efforts. The most useful seems to be the GRNN(general regression neural network), with it's use in regr... 5 Jun 2010 15:48
Event driven simulation
Hi, I am trying to simulate jitter performance of an analog PLL based Clock and data recovery. I have two questions: 1. Is it possible to implement an analog filter in Simulink for event-driven simulation? 2. For event diven simulation, can i only use State flow toolbox or do i need to use Sim-event as well? ... 2 Jun 2010 17:35
Please point me to good Matlab toolboxfor processing gigantic size tick data?
Luna Moon wrote: In theory, Matlab's vectorized operations should be able to allow us process gigantic size tick data fast. What is "tick data", pray tell??? Ticks are nasty little buggers that carry various infectious diseases... However, Matlab's limited by memory size so it is not as good as other ... 2 Jun 2010 10:54
question about intergal
hi I have a probleme about intergal I did the code T=0.05; t=-0.05:0.0001:0.05; lamda=0.0005; x = zeros(1,length(t)); y = x; x= poissrnd(lamda, length(t),1); y= poissrnd(lamda, length(t),1); syms u z; f=mean(x(z).*y(z+u))-mean(x(z)).*mean(y(z+u)); C=int(f,z,t-T,t) but I can not find... 1 Jun 2010 15:17
[Collaboration welcome]Please point me to good Matlab toolbox for processing gigantic size tick data?
In theory, Matlab's vectorized operations should be able to allow us process gigantic size tick data fast. However, Matlab's limited by memory size so it is not as good as other software for processing tick data. However, if we process data in trunks Matlab should be still usable? Anybody seen good Matlab to... 1 Jun 2010 15:17
3D plot for a 3D matrix
Hi I have a 3D matrix C (600x36x196) that represent an object (each layer of that object is represented by the X-Y matrix) and the Z is the height of the layer in the object. So for example if I use the (imagesc) function for any of the (X-Y) it will give me a rectangle but I want to plot my 3D matrix to give me a ... 1 Jun 2010 15:17
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