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fopen error
Hi! Inside a function I do the fopen and textscan actions twice. I do not have any problems in the first time, but in the second, the values are not assigned to the matrix 'B'. The 'load(file.txt')' does not work either. Thank you in advance. I show you the code: fid=fopen(archivo_final,'r+'); A=textscan(f... 1 Jun 2010 15:17
Assigning faces different colors
hi all, I am not really sure the best way to pose my question so I have attached my code for all to look at. Basically what my code does is create a cylinder based on the vertices and faces that I have defined. Now, I am trying to figure out how to assign different colors to each of the faces. For example, I want fa... 1 Jun 2010 14:10
Linear indexing
Hi there, I have an array of data within which I would like to be able to find the linear index of elements that satify a given condition. For example: data = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]; find linear index of elements where data > 3 and data <6 . Pass linear index of these elements to a new arrray. I am su... 1 Jun 2010 15:17
Intergrating AVI file with EEG (CSV file)
Hi, In our experiment, we recorded video and EEG simultaneously as separate files, because we have to observe what is going on via video file and extract the EEG data for only specific parts that we need. Is there a way to integrate video file to MATLAB so that the video would be correlated to the EEG data? For examp... 1 Jun 2010 14:10
hi: i know how to plot graph but i dont know if it is possible to plot digraph... anyones knows??? i have matlab 2009 b ... 1 Jun 2010 14:10
Using ID_BB_SEC_NUM to download data from Bloomberg using the Datafeed Toolbox
Hi guys, I use the function "fetch" the download price data of individual securities using the Datafeed Toolbox. At the moment I use the Bloomberg Tickers to identify the securities whose prices I need. I.e. my code looks like: BBGConnectionObj = bloomberg; d = {fetch(BBGConnectionObj,data_map,'HISTORY','PX_LAST... 1 Jun 2010 13:04
pcolor in Matlab
Hi All, I have been trying to use pcolor for plotting but have had no success for the past whole week. For example, if b1 and b2 are variables from the numerical solution of a pde then I set parameter1=linspace(.....); parameter2=linspace(.....); loop for parameter 1 and 2 D=b1-b2; find(D<0) pcolor(... 2 Jun 2010 12:01
A simple question
Hi I have a very simple/naive question. I am using a code(written below) to calculate the shortest paths between two network nodes. for i = 1: length(path) fprintf('Path # %d:\n',i); disp(path{i}) fprintf('dist of path %d is %d\n\n',i,dist(i)); end I get the paths along with their costs: Path # 1:... 1 Jun 2010 14:10
roundoff in version 7.7.0
Hi everyone, Does anyone know a function that I can use to roundoff to a defined number of decimals in Matlab 7.7.0., e.g. if I want to round off 7.7654 to 7.77 and 9.543 to 9.54. Ranjita ... 1 Jun 2010 13:04
A simple question
Hi I have a very simple/naive question. I am using a code(written below) to calculate the shortest paths between two network nodes. for i = 1: length(path) fprintf('Path # %d:\n',i); disp(path{i}) fprintf('dist of path %d is %d\n\n',i,dist(i)); end I get the paths along with t... 1 Jun 2010 13:04
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