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Spline problem We've got a spline problem: A cable is represented by a number of fixed points. In the middle between each of these points we know the direction of the cable (a "compass direction measurement"). The cable is being represented by a cubic spline through the fixed points. However, we also need to utilize the di... 14 Jun 2010 09:31
Please point me to good Matlab toolbox for processing gigantic size tick data? "dpb" <none(a)> wrote in message news:hu5lvl$5ad$1(a) dpb wrote: Luna Moon wrote: ... However, Matlab's limited by memory size ... What makes Matlab any more memory-size limited than any other analysis tool? There's only so much memory available on any... 2 Jun 2010 09:49
how to get contours into an image Hello Pavithra Did you find out how to get the contour into an image? I'm having the same problem as you and I would very much like to know how to extract the contours. //Eskil ... 2 Jun 2010 09:48
fminunc(Optimization Toolbox): supplying a gradient as well as fixed values Hello! I am currently struggling with the Optimization Toolbox in combination with function handles and was hoping you might be able to help me. I am trying to optimize a function with fminunc and have written a myfunction.m file that takes three inputs (some vectors p, n and k) and returns one value of the fun... 2 Jun 2010 09:48
MEAN AND FUCTION the question t=-1:0.1:1 generer the vectors x(t) AND y(t) between 0 and 1 for exemple if t=0.1 x(0.1)=0.234 y(0.1)=0.564 if t=—0.8 x(—0.8)=0.412, y(—0.8)=0.984 …………………………………… now how I can calc... 2 Jun 2010 09:48
Memory issues regarding sum of sparse matrices Hi! I'm solving quite large shortest path problems with matlabBGL (which is great btw). I have several weight matrices representing different kinds of optimization criteria. My idea is to add weights to the matrices then then sum them together (and then feed the result matrix to the algorithm). My problem is tha... 2 Jun 2010 08:43
why an exhaustive search is faster than fmincon when solvinga non-linear programming problem? On 6/2/2010 6:12 AM, JOHN pip wrote: "John D'Errico" <woodchips(a)> wrote in message <hu4jop$njm$1(a)>... "Matt J " <mattjacREMOVE(a)THISieee.spam> wrote in message <hu4f6h$oe3$1(a)>... "JOHN pip" <johny-pip(a)> wrote in message <hu459n$s4u$1@... 6 Jun 2010 19:27
Displaying images in several concentric circular 'bands' I have a series of images ( 20 × 10 pixels) that I want to display in a 'rainbow' shape. I've done a model to show what I am trying to do (see code below). Of course I will need to do some transformations on the images also. My idea was to index each polygon and then insert each image into one of the polygons. But... 2 Jun 2010 19:48
What are the limitations of hinfsyn? Hi, I have some problems with designing my Hinfinity controller. The plant G can perfectly be controlled using a PI controller, however, when I try to do it with Hinfinity, it simply fails. See code below for details. So, I was wondering: what are the restrictions of the hinfsyn command? Because I think it is due... 2 Jun 2010 07:38
video processing loss of frames Hello, I'm processing large video files with up 25000 frames by detecting objects in them. To read the video data into Matlab, I am using videoreader and mmread. The program works on each frame on its on and than goes on to the next one. In principle, the program works fine, but if the frame number reaches a value o... 2 Jun 2010 07:37 |